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23 ноември, 2020 г. (понеделник) - Ден 1

Всеки линк на съответния панел води към онлайн сесията в MS Teams



10:00-11:00 EET: Opening Plenary: Keynotes Addresses (Еnglish / На английски език)

Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth (tbc)

Prof. Dr.Sci. Anastas Gerdjikov, Rector of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Assoc. Prof. Atanas Georgiev, Dean of FEBA, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Prof. Dr.Sci. George Chobanov, Founding Dean of FEBA, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" – Economic Policy Under Currency Board Conditions


11:00-12:30 EET: Panel 1a: Populism, Pandemics, and the World Economy (Chair: Prof. Dr. Joachim Schwalbach, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) (Еnglish / На английски език)

Prof. Dr. Timothy Devinney, University of Manchester – Populism, Pandemics, and Political Risks

Prof. Dr. Christopher Hartwell, Bournemouth University – Populism, Pandemics, and Political Risks

Dr. Manuel Funke, Kiel Institute of the World Economy – Populist Leaders and the Economy

Prof. Dr. Christoph Trebesch, Kiel Institute of the World Economy – Populist Leaders and the Economy

English / На английски език

13:00-15:00 EET: Panel 2.1a: European Green Deal - Ensuring Smart Transitions (Chair: Assoc. Prof. Atanas Georgiev, PhD)

Assoc. Prof. Atanas Georgiev, PhD, Dean of FEBA – The European Green Deal and the Bulgarian Energy Transition

Prof. Dr. Dieter Flämig, Honorary Professor at Sofia University & Managing Director of STRATEGY GmbH – System integration of Mobility and Energy

Prof. Dr. Andre Presse, SRH Hochschule Berlin – The entrepreneurial Challenge of the Green Kondratjew

Dr. Gianluca Fulli, Deputy Head of Unit "Energy Security, Distribution and Markets", JRC, European Commission – Electricity supply security in the EU: features and prospects

English / На английски език

13:00-15:00 EET: Panel 2.1b: ScholarNet Panel: Innovation and Transforming Universities and Workpaces (Chair: Prof. Stefan Petranov, Sofia University)

Prof. Dr. Kai-Ingo Voigt, Oscar Pakos, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg – Understanding the Mechanisms of Activity-based Workspace: A Case Study

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Daniela Georgieva, Prof. Dr. Teodora Georgieva – The hidden research and innovation activity - main challenges and perspectives to overcome

Prof. Dr. Albena Vutsova, Sofia University – Academic spin offs - a necessity or an incidental result of the University research activitiy

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Todor Yalamov – Innovation at the time of crisis

Bulgarian / На български език

13:00-15:00 EET: Panel 2.1c: Проблеми на устойчивото развитие в различни сектори (Водещ на панела: доц. Димитър Златинов)

Проф. д-р Елка Василева – Ролята на стандартите в прехода към „зелени“ модели на управление

Д-р Дарина Минева д.м. – Изследване на здравния пазар за онкологично заболяване в условия на преход

Доц. д-р Надя Маринова – Пътища за хармонизиране на социалните условия

Доц. д-р Илияна Анкова – Устойчивото развитие и обучението по счетоводство във висшите учебни заведения в България

Дилян Василев – Хоризонти на инфлационните очаквания преди влизане на България в Еврозоната

English / На английски език

15:00-17:00 EET: Panel 2.2a: European Green Deal - Ensuring Smart Transitions (Chair: Assoc. Prof. Atanas Georgiev, PhD)

Prof. Dr. Jörg Franke, Professor at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences & Chairman-Supervisory Board at Berliner Effektengesellschaft AG – Sustainable Finance and Politics

Prof. Dr.-Inj. Kai Strunz, Technische Universität Berlin – The Future of our Energy systems

Dr. Evangelos Tzimas, Deputy Head of Unit "Knowledge for the Energy Union", JRC, European Commission – Implications of coal phase-out from a modelling perspective

Dr. Todor Galev, Center for the Study of Democracy – Governance barriers to energy transition in Europe

English / На английски език

15:00-17:00 EET: Panel 2.2b: ScholarNet Panel: Entrepreneurship and Transforming Univeristies (Chair: Prof. Vladimirov)

Prof. Dr. Thierry Côme, Prof. Dr. Gilles Rouet, IUT de Mantes and ISM-IAE, UVSQ, Paris-Saclay – Institutional Changes in Universities and Indicator Practices

Prof. Dr. Desislava Yordanova – Bulgarian Nascent Student Technopreneurs: Motives, Perceptions of Barriers and Start-Up Activities

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nadya Sokolova – Connection between Education 4.0 and Industry 4.0

Dr. Prabir Chandra Padhy and Prof. Dr. Trupti S Almoula – Sustaining an Entrepreneurial Culture - The Leadership Dimesion

English / На английски език

15:00-17:00 EET: Panel 2.2c: Topics in Economics and Management (Chair: Assoc. Prof. Mariela Nenova)

Magdalena Vlahova – Does euro area accession impact turnover in industry? The case of 7 euro area member states and 6 EU member states

Martina Ivanova Makarieva – Yield Curve Modelling and Forecasting in an Undeveloped Financial Market: The Case of Bulgaria

Plamena Kalaydzhieva – Association of Childhood Circumstances and Quality of Life at Older Ages: Comparative Analysis оf Men and Women in Bulgaria

Zorniza Stefanova, PhD – Executive Coaching: From Self-Actualization to Learning Organizations

Dr. Uwe Staroske, University of Applied Sciences in Bremen – Minsky and the role of instability in a market economy.

English / На английски език

17:00-19:30 EET: Panel 3a: Taxation (Chair: Deyan Radev, PhD, Petar Beron Fellow, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Sofia University)

Prof. Stefanie Stantcheva, PhD, Harvard University – Understanding Economic Policies

Prof. Gueorgui Kambourov, PhD, University of Toronto – Economic Growth and Earnings Inequality: The Effects of Firms and Occupations

Trifon Pavkov, University of Exeter – Uncovering the Tax Elasticity using Administrative Data: Evidence from a Comprehensive Tax Reform

Georgi Kocharkov, PhD, Research Center Deutsche Bundesbank – Households‘ Expectations and Unintended Consequences of Policy Announcements

Francais / На френски език

17:00-20:00 EET: Panel 3b: Transition, incertitudes et perspectives (Modérateur: Assoc. Prof. Marcellin Yovogan)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sonia Georgieva, Université de Sofia « St. Kliment Ohridski » – Le début de l’enseignement des sciences économiques en Bulgarie à l’Université de Sofia. La Faculté d’Economie et son évolution.

Delphine Philip De St Julien, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines,Transformations organisationnelles : réactions et profils des salariés "survivants"

Aline Lemeur, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines – la transformation institutionnelle en santé et les implications pour la formation

Prof. Dr. Stela Raytcheva, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines – Les transformations numériques dans l'enseignement supérieur : quel impact sur les compétences acquises par les étudiants

Prof. Dr. Yanita Andonova, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord – Les industries de la culture à l'épreuve de la pandémie. Le cas du spectacle vivant en France

Albena Antonova, Université de Sofia « St. Kliment Ohridski » – Le numérique, les technologies intelligentes et leur usage créatif dans l'éducation de demain

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marcellin Yovogan, Université de Sofia « St. Kliment Ohridski » – Du bilan fonctionnel à l'heure de la pandémie du coronavirus : analyse sectorielle des états financiers en IFRS

English / На английски език

17:00-19:30 EET: Panel 3c: Understanding the differences: emerging issues in transformation (Chair: Assoc. Prof. Iya Petkova-Gourbalova)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Miana Plesca, University of Guelph, Canada – Different Definitions of Expatriates and Heterogeneity in the Expatriate Premium

Georg Kell, founding Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact; Chairman of the Board of Arabesque – From Transition to Transformation - It is all about Change Management

Assoc. Prof. Dr.Sci. Anton A Gerunov, Sofia University and LogSentinel – Identifying Anomalous Consumer Behavior in E-commerce

Savina Mikhaylova-Goleminova, Ekaterina Tarhova – Taxing the Digital

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eleonora Petrova Stancheva-Todorova – IT Solutions, PLC.: Introducing a Big Data Case into the Accounting Curriculum

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamen Spassov – Institutional Identity of Public Administration Structures In Bulgaria in the Internet


24 ноември 2020 г. (вторник) - Ден 2

Всеки линк на съответния панел води към онлайн сесията в MS Teams


English / На английски език

10:00-12:00 EET: Panel 4a: Competitiveness (Chair: Assist. Prof. Georgi Ganev) –

Prof. Dr. Zhelyu Vladimirov – Competitiveness factors at a firm level - integrating innovations

Prof. Dr. Hyuksoo Cho, Prof. Dr. Heecheol Moon, – Relationship between Enlargement and Competitiveness : The Case of Logistics Industry

Prof. Dr. Marina Lapina, Assoc. Prof. Savina Mihaylova-Goleminova, Alexey Ivanov – Implementation оf the Rights оf Taxpayers - Digital Companies under Double Tax Avoidance Agreements

Prof. Dr. Lykourgos Magafas – The expansion of Covid-19 in Greece – The last phase

Assoc. Prof. Mariela Nenova, Sofia University, Bulgarian currency in the ERMII: What to expect in next two years?

English / На английски език

10:00-12:00 EET: Panel 4b: Transition and Informal Economy (Chair: Prof. Andreas Bühn, University of Cooperative Education)

Prof. Dr. Stefan Petranov, Sofia University – Transition, Grey Economy and Economic Policy

Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Malaga, Assist. Prof. Dr. Juliana Hadjitchoneva, Dr. Bartłomiej Lach – Comparative analysis of economic changes in terms of transformation processes, growth, development and economic freedom in Bulgaria and Poland in 1990-2019

Prof. Dr. Colin Williams, University of Sheffield, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Todor Yalamov, Sofia University, Ruslan Stefanov, Center for the Study of Demoracy – Tackling the undeclared economy in Southern Europe: from a deterrence to preventative approach

Daniela Mineva, Senior Analyst, Center for the Study of Democracy, Hidden Economy in the Western Balkans: Challenges and Lessons for Economic Recovery and Convergence

English / На английски език

10:00-13:00 ЕЕТ: ScholarNet PhD Panel 1. Panel chair: Assoc. Prof. Boryana Bogdanova

10:00-10:30 Prof. Dr. Albena Vutsova, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” – EarlyBird in favour of PhD students, post-docs and young researchers

10:30-11:00 Assist. Prof. Dr. Deyan Radev, Petar Beron Fellow, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” – Current trends and methodologies in finance research

11:00-13:00 Key issues in writing a research paper

- Prof. Dr. Stanislav Ivanov, Vice-Rector (Research), Varna University of Management and Editor-in-chief, European Journal of Tourism Research

- Prof. Dr. Mitko Dimitrov, Economic Research Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

- Prof. Dr. Laura Rondi, Politecnico di Torino, editor-in-chief Journal of Industrial and Business Economics

- Q&A





English / На английски език

13:00-15:00 EET: Panel 5: Banking and FinTech (Chair: Assist. Prof. Andreas Barth, PhD, Goethe University Frankfurt)

Assist. Prof. Dr. Deyan Radev, FEBA – Global Banks, Banking Regulation and the Transmission of Shocks across Borders

Assist. Prof. Dr. Andreas Barth and Valerie Laturnus, Goethe University Frankfurt – ICO Analysts

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Boryana Bogdanova – Financial statement data mining in support of investment decision-making

Dr. Vilislav Boutchaktciev – Forecasting the house price index in Bulgaria



English / На английски език

13:00-15:00 ЕЕТ: ScholarNet PhD Panel 1. Panel chair: tbc

PhD students:

Jasmina Misheva – Human Capital Development Factors in the IT Organizations

Zlatina Mihaiova – The Organisational Values as a Management Approach

Lilia Kokareshkova-Panteleeva – Sustainable Consumer Behavior

Mihail Yanchev – Modeling & Forecasting Macroeconomic Risk

Lilyana Georgieva – A Review of the State of the Shadow Economy in Bulgaria

Panel Mentors:

Prof. Dr.Sci. Zhelyu Vladimirov

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Todor Yalamov

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trupti S Almoula

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stela Raytcheva

Prof. Dr. Uwe Staroske

Prof. Dr.Sci. George Chobanov


English / На английски език

15:00-17:00 ЕЕТ: ScholarNet PhD Panel 2. Panel chair: tbc

PhD students:

Mihail Raev – Observations upon transition of the European Economic and Monetary Union towards an Optimal Currency Zone

Stela Valeva – Digital Tranformation and Digital Competitivenes

Ivan Mitkov – Linear and nonlinear algorithmsfor predicting the realized volatilityof various financial assets

Lyubomira Gancheva – Opportunities to ensure affordable prices and security of natural gas supply in Bulgaria following the commitments of Gazprom Export before the European Commission

Nelly Ovcharrova – “The Impact of EU Green Deal: New Business Models in the Energy Sector”

Panel Mentors:

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Boryana Bogdanova

Assoc. Prof. Stela Raytcheva

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trupti S Almoula

Assist. Prof. Dr. Deyan Radev

Bulgarian / На български език

14:00-17:00 EET: Panel 6: Изследвания върху културите – в полза на бизнеса (Водещ на панела проф. дсн. Цветан Давидков)

проф. д.с.н. Цветан Давидков, Софийски Университет "Св. Климент Охридски" – Изследвания върху културите в полза на бизнеса

доц. д-р Ия Петкова-Гурбалова, Софийски Университет "Св. Климент Охридски" – Изследване на предпочитания лидерски стил на ръководители от сектора на услугите в България

гл. ас. д-р Рая Каназирева, Софийски Университет "Св. Климент Охридски" – Автономност на работата като необходима парадигма в прехода към устойчиви иновации

проф. д-р Даниела Сотирова, Технически Университет - София – Кроскултурна бизнес етика

проф. д.с.н. Снежана Илиева, Софийски Университет "Св. Климент Охридски" – Организационна култура и развитие на психологическия капитал

гл. ас. д-р Миглена Пенчева, РУ "Ангел Кънчев" – Предизвикателства при обучението в междукултурна чувствителност на монокултурни обучаеми

д-р Диана Бебенова-Николова и Юлия Баховски, РУ "Ангел Кънчев" – Модел за изследване на интеркултурната компетентност и приложението му в трансгранични българо-румънски екипи

гл. ас. д-р Христина Соколова, РУ "Ангел Кънчев" – Крос-културната кутия на Пандора: Последици от националните мерки срещу Covid-19

гл. ас. д-р Александър Димитров, УНСС – Дигитални измерения на лидерството в XI век

Албена Комитова, адвокат – Ролята на медиацията като иновативен метод при решаването на спорове в корпоративна среда

Ивона Христова, докторант, СУ "Св. Климент Охридски" – Обучението като средство за мотивация на служителите

Кирил Вътев, Тандем – Манталитет и производителност

д-р Илия Гърков, Дънди Прешъс Металс – За измеренията на организационната култура

Bulgarian / На български език

17:00-18:30 EET: Closing Plenary. Партньорство с бизнеса: Водещ: доц. д-р Боряна Боданова

Мартин Георгиев, Председател на УС, Асоциация на търговците на електроенергия в България (АТЕБ)

Николай Бакалов, Член на УС, Българска екомерс асоциация

Илия Кръстев, Председател на УС, АИБЕСТ

Георги Пенев, Българска финтек асоциация

Кармен Вранчев, Германо-Българска индустриално-търговска камара