Начало / Университетът / Факултети / Стопански факултет / Катедри и Академичен състав / Катедри / Гостуващи преподаватели и асоциирани изследователи / Гост-преподаватели от Германия (архив) / Wulf Reiners





Wulf Reiners, M.A. works as research associate at the Jean Monnet Chair for Political Science and European Affairs at the University of Cologne since February 2007. He finished his studies (University of Cologne, Eötvös Loránd University Budapest) with a thesis on conceptions of collective identity in Hungary in 2007.


Until 2008 he worked on the interdisciplinary DFG-funded research project Raumbilder on constructions of 'nature' and 'space' and their life cycles and on new modes of EU governance in the framework of the FP6 research project NEWGOV. From 2007 to 2012 he was also responsible for the international simulation seminar PROTEUS. His recent research activities took place in the framework of the FP7 research project MERCURY (2009-2012) on the EU and multilateralism in the contemporary global order.


Since 2010 Wulf Reiners is the project and financial director of the Marie Curie ITN EXACT as well as programme director of the Cologne Monnet Association for EU Studies COMOS. His main research interest lies on EU external action and global governance.


Wulf Reiners is visiting lecturer to the St. Kliment-Ohridski-University’s FEBA since winter semester 2012/2013.


Further information on his person as well as a list of publications can be found here: http://www.jeanmonnetchair.uni-koeln.de/26634.html