В том 19 на Годишника на Стопанския факултет на СУ "Св. Климент Охридски" бе публикувана статията на проф. Теодор Седларски "Политическа икономия на социалния статус: щастието в настоящия икономически ред от перспективата на поведенческата икономика"
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This article analyzes the implications of social status comparison for the subjective wellbeing in todays market economies. It utilizes insights from behavior economics and takes into account cognitive specifics such as the availability bias, representativeness heuristic, the anchoring, framing and loss aversion. These characteristics of how humans perceive reality contribute to the negative externalities that conspicuous consumption by super stars extort on growing number of individu-als. The insecurity of one’s own social standing in the complex and constantly changing world, the omnipresent buyer’s remorse due to the multitude of available consumption choices diminish the perceived benefits for human happiness from economic growth in consumerist societies.
Key words: social status, availability heuristic, representativeness heuristic, loss aversion, conspicuous consumption, negative status externalities, winner-take-all markets, super stars, hap-piness, subjective wellbeing, buyer’s remorse.
Седларски, Т. (2020), "Политическа икономия на социалния статус: щастието в настоящия икономически ред от перспективата на поведенческата икономика", Годишник на Стопанския факултет на Софийския университет “Св. Климент Охридски”, Том 19 / 2020, с. 171-197.