лаб. 161
тел: (02) 8167-311
e-mail: hgagov@uni-sofia.bg
1982 - 1986 Магистър по биохимия
1990 - 1993 докторант Институт по физиология БАН
2004 - доцент по Физиология на животните и човека
2008 - Ръководител на катедрата по Физиология на животните и човека
2012 - Зам.-декан за научноизследователската и проектната дейност
Ръководител лаборатория „Възбудими клетки“
Ръководител на магистърска програма по „Физиология на животните и човека“
Избрани публикации:
- Emilova R. , Dimitrova DZ, Mladenov М, Hadzi-Petrushev N, Daneva T, Padeshki P, Schubert R, Chichova M, Lubomirov L, Simeonovska-Nikolova D, Gagov H. 2016. Diabetes converts arterial regulation by perivascular adipose tissue from relaxation into H2O2-mediated contraction. Phys. Res. In press IF 1.5
- Lubomirov LT, Papadopoulos S, Pütz S, Welter J, Klöckener T, Weckmüller K, Ardestani MA, Filipova D, Metzler D, Metzner H, Staszewski J, Zittrich S, Gagov H, Schroeter MM, Pfitzer G. 2016. Aging-related alterations in eNOS and nNOS responsiveness and smooth muscle reactivity of murine basilar arteries are modulated by apocynin and phosphorylation of myosin phosphatase targeting subunit-1. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2016 May 18. pii: 0271678X16649402. IF 5.41
- Vukova TI, Dimitrov SD, Gagov HS, Dimitrova DZ. (2016) In focus: Fe3O4 nanoparticles and human mesenteric artery interaction in vitro. Nanomedicine (Lond). 11(8): 921-32. IF 5.4
- Emilova, R., Dimitrova, D., Mladenov, M., Daneva, T., Schubert, R., Gagov, H. (2015) Cystathionine gamma-lyase of perivascular adipose tissue with reversed regulatory effect in diabetic rat artery. Biotechnol Biotechnol Eq. 29:147-151. IF 0.66
- Mitrov D, Hadzi-Petrushev N, Stojkovski V, Gjorgievska E, Gagov H, Mladenov M. (2014) Influence of chronic chromium exposition on the processes of lipid peroxidation inflammation and platelet activation in rats. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 28 (3):531-535. IF 2.41
- Lech, A., Daneva, T., Pashova, S., Gagov, H., Crayton, R., Kukwa, W., Czarnecka, A.M., Szczylik, C. (2013) Ovarian cancer as a genetic disease. Front Biosci. 18 (2): 543-563. IF 4.25
- Zavaritskaya O, Voblova N, Schleifenbaum J, Gloe T, Kluge R, Mladenov M, Gagov H, Fesüs G, Crean CS, Gollasch M, Schubert R. (2013) Vascular and antihypertensive effects of synthetic KCNQ channel openers in spontaneously hypertensive rats and New Zealand obese mice. Hypertension. 61: 151-159. IF 6.77
- Loukanov AR, Gagov H. (2012) High-resolution subunit detection of glutamate receptor by ultrasmall gold nanoparticles. Microsc Res Tech. 75(9): 1159-1164. IF 1.85
- Dimitrova DZ, Dimitrov SD, Iliev I, Mladenov MI, Hristov KL, Mihov DN, Duridanova DB, Gagov H.S. (2010) Ghrelin signaling in human mesenteric arteries. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 61 (4): 383-390. IF 4.66
- Mladenov MI, Hristov KL, Dimitrova DZ, Schubert R, Lubomirov LT, Gjorgoski IK, Duridanova DB, Gagov HS. (2008) Ghrelin signalling in guinea-pig femoral artery smooth muscle cells. Acta Physiol (Oxf). 94: 195-206. IF 2.085
- Ivanova IV, Schubert R, Duridanova DB, Bolton TB, Lubomirov LT, Gagov HS. (2007) Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) peptide as an in vivo regulator of cardiac function in Rana ridibunda frog. Exp Physiol. 92: 1037-1046. IF 3.01
- Pfitzer G, Lubomirov LT, Reimann K, Gagov H, Schubert R (2006) Regulation of the crossbridge cycle in vascular smooth muscle by cAMP signalling. J Muscle Res Cell Motil. 27(5-7): 445-54. IF 2.214
- Lubomirov L, K Reimann, D Metzler, V Hasse, R Stehle, M Ito, H Gagov, G Pfitzer, R Schubert (2006) Urocortin-induced decrease in Ca2+-sensitivity of mouse tail arteries is attributable to cAMP-dependent dephosphorylation of MYPT1 and activation of myosin light chain phosphatase. Circ Res. 98(9): 1159-67. IF 10.04
- K Hristov, I Altankova, H Gagov, T Bolton, KK Boev, D Duridanova (2004) Calcium-dependent changes in potassium currents in guinea-pig coronary artery smooth muscle cells after acute cobalt loading in vivo. Pflugers Arch. 449(1): 16-25. IF 2.35
- R. Schubert; U. Krien; I. Wulfsen; D. Schiemann; G. Lehmann; N. Ulfig; R. Veh; J. Schwarz, H. Gagov (2004) Nitric oxide donor sodium nitroprusside dilates rat small arteries by activation of inward rectifier potassium channels. Hypertension 43(4): 891-6. IF 5.05
- H. Gagov, B. Kadinov, K. Hristov, K. Boev, D. Itzev, T. Bolton, D. Duridanova (2003) Role of constitutively expressed heme oxygenase-2 in the regulation of guinea pig coronary artery tone. Pflugers Arch. 446(4): 412-21. IF 2.35
- B. Kadinov, D. Itzev, H. Gagov, T. Christova, T. Bolton, D. Duridanova (2002) Induction of heme oxygenase in guinea-pig stomach: roles in contraction and in single muscle cell ionic currents. Acta Physiol. Scand. 175: 297-313. IF 1.52
- L. Lubomirov, H. Gagov, P. Petkova-Kirova, D. Duridanova, V. Kalentchuk, R. Schubert (2001) Urocortin relaxes rat tail arteries by a PKA-mediated reduction of sensitivity of the contractile apparatus for calcium. Br. J. Pharmacol. 134: 1564-1570. IF 3.72
- G.V. Petkov, F. Fusi, S. Saponara, H.S. Gagov, G.P. Sgaragli, K.K. Boev (2001) Characterization of plasma membrane calcium currents in freshly isolated smooth muscle cells from rat tail main artery. Acta Physiol. Scand. 173: 1-9. IF 1.52
- F. Fusi, S. Saponara, H. Gagov, G. Sgaragli (2001) 2,5-Di-t-butyl-1,4-benzohydroquinone (BHQ) inhibits vascular L-type Ca2+ channel via superoxide anion generation. Br. J. Pharmacol. 133: 988-996. IF 3.72
- F. Fusi, S. Saponara, H. Gagov, G. Sgaragli (2001) Effects of some sterically hindered phenols on whole-cell Ca2+ current of guinea-pig gastric fundus smooth muscle cells. Br. J. Pharmacol. 132: 1326-1332. IF 3.72
- R. Schubert, U. Krien, H. Gagov (2001) Protons Inhibit the BKCa Channel of Rat Small Artery Smooth Muscle Cells. J. Vascular Res., 38: 30-38. IF 2.49
- P.S. Petkova-Kirova, H. Gagov, U. Krien, D. Duridanova, T. Noack, R. Schubert (2000) 4-Aminopyridine affects rat arterial smooth muscle BKCa currents by changing intracellular pH. Br. J. Pharmacol., 131: 1643-1650. IF 3.72
Участия в научни проекти:
1. Project No 212 (26-2-1992) by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy. Title: "Participation of phenols in the modulation of ion channels, intracellular signalization and function in smooth muscles". Heads of the project Prof. K. Boev and Prof. J-P. Sgaragli (1996-1999).
2. Project No 436BUL/1996 by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Title: "Functional importance of pH for the activation of calcium-activated potassium channels and the regulation arterial tone ". Heads of the project Prof. Kiril Boev and Rudolf Schubert (1996-1999).
3. Project No 436BUL/113/124, by DFG. Title: "Functional role of fast-activated voltage-dependent potassium channels of A-type in rat resistance arteries". Heads of the project are Assoc. Prof. Hristo Gagov and Prof. Rudolf Schubert (2002-2004). This project was continued (2006-2008).
4. Project No CPB.EAP.CLG 982071 by NATO. Title: "Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) peptide and excitable tissues". Heads of the project are Assoc. Prof. Hristo Gagov and Prof. Rudolf Schubert (2006-2008).
5. Проект № 139/2010 финансиран от “Св. Климент Охридски” на тема: “Грелинът като вазоконстриктор: роля на втори липиден медиатор производен на арахидоновата киселина” с ръководител проф. Игнат Минков.
6. Проект № 140/2010 финансиран от “Св. Климент Охридски” на тема: „Пилотен проект за докторантско училище по биология” с ръководител доц. Христо Гагов.
7. Проект № 74/2011 финансиран от “Св. Климент Охридски” на тема: ”Изготвяне на система от критерии за оценка и атестиране на научната дейност в областта на биологичните науки” с ръководител доц. Христо Гагов.
8. Проект № 57/2012 финансиран от “Св. Климент Охридски” на тема: ”Роля на цистатионин гама-лиазата като регулатор на артериалното съкращение при хипергликемия и диабет” с ръководител проф. Христо Гагов.
9. Проект № 24/2013 финансиран от “Св. Климент Охридски” на тема: „Периваскуларната мастна тъкан като регулатор на артериалното съкращение при хипергликемия и диабет” с ръководител доц. Нина Ламбаджиева.
10. Проект № ДО1-4582/2013 с МОН съфинансиращ провеждането от 20 до 23 ноември в Биологически факултет на юбилейната Международна научна конференция “BIOSCIENCE – DEVELOPMENT AND NEW OPPORTUNITIES” - КЛИМЕНТОВИ ДНИ 2013 с ръководител проф. Христо Гагов.
11. Проект № 20/2015 финансиран от “Св. Климент Охридски” на тема: “Регулация на чернодробна и бъбречна диаминооксидаза на плъх от аминогуанидин и тестостерон” с ръководител проф. Светла Петрова.