Започва записването за програмата "Космически предизвикателства 2015"!
Стани космически кадет!
- Участвай в създаването на Нано космическа станция, изследователски всъдеход и автономна сонда
- Запознай се с водещи експерти от космическия сектор
- Научи повече за Космоса!
Изисквания към кандидатите:
Please, make sure you could really comply with our rules!
Rule 1: You SHALL be 16 to 28 years old.
Additional Documents for Under 18: Please note that you will be required to submit permissions from parents and school if you are accepted in Space Challenges.
Rule 2: You SHALL read, write and speak ENGLISH.
Rule 3: You SHALL spend at least 20 HOURS PER WEEK for the program.
Rule 4: You SHALL attend AT LEAST 90 % of the program’s activities.
Rule 5: You SHALL be willing to participate in TEAMWORK ACTIVITIES over nine weeks.
Rule 6: You MUST score AT LEAST 70 % average mark on the exams to pass the program.
Rule 7: You MUST share A PASSION for Space and have fun working with different people.
Rule 8: You MUST be crazy enough to dare to apply! May the force be with you!