кяб. 324
тел: 02 8167 237
e-mail: valia@biofac.uni-sofia.bg
Образование и професионална реализация:
1988 Магистър по Биoфизика и радиобиология , Биологически факултет, СУ “Св.Кл.Охридски”
1994 Доктор по биофизика, дисертация: “Транспорт на макромолекули през клетъчната стена на интактни дрожди под действие на външно електрично поле”
1993 специализация в CNRS, Toulouse
1994 Асистент
2007 Доцент
Преподавателска дейност:
Биофизика и биофизични методи,
Свободни радикали в биологията и медицината
Практически занятия по:
Биофизика и радиобиология, Свободни радикали, Биомембрани
Научни интереси:
Влияние на електричното поле върху клетъчните мембрани: пермеабилизация, електротоварене, електроиндуцирано освобождаване на молекули, електротрансформация, хемилуминесценция, свободни радикали, мембранно-активни агенти
1. Ganeva V., Tsoneva, Ch. I. (1993) Effect of n-alcohols on the electrotransformation and permeability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 38:795-798
2. Ganeva V., Galutzov, B. (1993) Influence of pulsing and postpulsing media tonicity on electrotransformation of intact yeast cells. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 112:81-86
3. Ganeva V., Galutzov, B., Teissie, J. (1994) Influence of glucose and other substrates on electric field and polyethylene glycol-mediated transformation of intact yeast cells. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 121:159-164
4. Ganeva, V., Galutzov, B., Teissie, J. (1995) Fast Kinetic Studies of Plasmid DNA Transfer in Intact Yeast Cells Mediated by Electropulsation. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 214: 825-832
5. Ganeva V., Galutzov, B., Teissie, J. (1995) Electric field mediated loading of macromolecules in intact yeast cells is critically controlled at the wall level. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1240: 229-236
6. Galutzov B., Ganeva V. (1997) Lucigenin derived chemiluminescence in S.cerevisiae, Bioelectrochem. Bioenergetics., 44:1, 77-82
7. Eynard N., Rols M.P., Ganeva V., Galutzov B., Sabri N., Teissie J. (1997) Electrotransformation pathways of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells: recent developments. Bioelectrochem.Bioenergetics 44: 103-110
8. Ganeva V., Galutzov B. (1999) Electropulsation as an alternative method for protein extraction from yeast, FEMS Microbiol. Letters, 174: 379-284
9. Ganeva V., Galutzov, B., Eynard, N., Teissie, J. (2001) Electroinduced extraction of b-galactosidase from Kluyveromyces lactis. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 56, 3/4: 411-414
10. Teissie J., Eynard N., Vernhes MC, Benichou A., Ganeva V., Galutzov B., Cabanes P.A. (2002) Recent biotechnological developments of electropulsation. Bioelectrochemistry 55: 107-112
11. Ganeva V., Galutzov B., Teissie J. (2002) Electroinduced release of invertase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Biotechnol.Letts 24, 1853-1856
12. Ganeva V., Galutzov B., Teissie J. (2003) High yield electroextraction of proteins by a flow process, Anal. Biochem. 315(1), 77-84
13. Ganeva V., Galutzov B., Teissie J. (2004) Flow process for electroextraction of intracellular enzymes from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Biotechnol. Letts 26 (11) 933-937
14. Eynard, N., Ganeva, V., Teissié, J. (2003) Electropulsation, a new weapon against microorganisms, Biofutur, 239, suppl.147, 1-7
15. Ganeva, V., Galutzov, B., Teissié, J. (2004) Flow process for electroextraction of intracellular enzymes from the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Biotechnol. Letts, 26/11, 933-937
16. Vernhes, M.C., Eynard, N., Rols, M.P., Ganeva, V., Teissié, J. (2004) Ex vivo flow mammalian cell electropulsation, Radiol. Oncol., 38/2, 121-129
17. Ganeva, V., Galutzov, B., Teissié, J. (2006) Irreversibly electropermeabilized yeast retains the capability for ATP synthesis via oxidative phosphorylation, Bioelectrochem., 68/1, 27-30
18. Simental-Martinez, J., Vennapusa, R., Benavides, J., Ganeva, V., Galutzov, B., Rito-Palomares, M., Fernandez-Lahore M (2013) A novel process for the recovery of superoxide dismutase from yeast exploiting electroextraction coupled to direct sorption. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 88 (8) 1498-1505.
19. Ganeva, V., Galutzov, B., and Teissie, J. (2014). Evidence that pulsed electric field treatment enhances the cell wall porosity of yeast cells. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 172, 1540–1552.
20. Coustets M, Ganeva V, Galutzov B, Teissie J (2015) Millisecond duration pulses for flow-through electro-induced protein extraction from E-coli and associated eradication. Bioelectrochemistry, 103, 82-91.
21. Ganeva V, Stefanova D, Angelova B, Galutzov B, Velasco I, Arevalo-Rodrigez M. (2015) Electroinduced release of recombinant β-galactosidase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Biotechnology 211, 12-19.
22. Ganeva V, Galutzov B, Angelova B, Suckow M (2018) Electroinduced extraction of human ferritin heavy chain expressed in Hansenula polymorpha. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology volume 184, 1286–1307.
23. Ganeva V, Angelova B, Galutzov B, Goltzev V, Zhiponova M. (2020) Extraction of proteins and other intracellular bioactive compounds from baker's yeast by pulsed electric field treatment. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 8.