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The Library Fund

The Library Fund consists of about 88,000 library documents:

  • About 67,000 volumes of books - monographs, textbooks, guides, collections, scientific conference reports; rich collection of reference books - general and thematic encyclopaedias, reference books in the field of Mathematics, Informatics and Technical Sciences, linguistic , bilingual, multilingual, terminology dictionaries, manuals, almanacs, etc.
  • Over 21,000 volumes of periodicals with 740 titles.
  • The library has a very rich collection of foreign scientific periodicals.
  • The library also has a rich collection of rare and valuable publications in the field of Mathematics and Mechanics. The personal collections of some prominent mathematicians have been preserved, those of Prof. Anton Shourek’s, Acad. Kiril Popov’s, Prof. Alipi Mateev’s and others.

Library activities

  • The library provides and stores specialized literature in Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, which supports the educational and research process.
  • It offers librarian- bibliographical and information services, combining traditional forms of library service with the provision of resources and services online.

Library and Information Services

  • Use of library documents in the reading rooms;
  • Periodicals, guides, single editions, rare and valuable publications are only available in the reading rooms;
  • Borrowing library documents for home use;
  • Students, lecturers and employees of the University of Sofia may borrow library resources for home use according to the borrowing rules:Presentation of a reader's card or registered ISIC card / US card:
  • The terms for home use are as follows:

* For lecturers of Sofia University - up to 10 library resources for 30 days with the right to extend the borrowing period by renewal twice;
* For students of Sofia University - up to 5 library resources for a period of 30 days entitled to one renewal unless the particular material has been requested by another member;
* For employees of Sofia University - up to 5 library resources for a period of 30 days entitled to one renewal;

  • External readers are not allowed to borrow library material for home use;
  • It is allowed to borrow library materials for photocopying only if a personal document is deposited;
  • If the reader does not return the borrowed library materials due to damage, destruction or loss, he or she is entitled to make a replacement with copies identical in value and content.

Preparation of bibliographic-information reports.

  • Use of the National Academic Reference Catalogue (NARC). It enables all users to search simultaneously in integrated catalogues, digital collections, paid databases, and magazines of the libraries that have established by the NARC Foundation and its associated members;
  • Use of the ALEPH electronic catalogue of the University Library which is available on the Internet;
  • Search for information in online databases available through IP addresses;
  • Databases can be used by computers in the university computer network. Logging in some of the databases requires proxy server setup;
  • The lecturers and doctoral students of the University of Sofia can get remote access to the facilities by issuing a certificate from the UCICT.
  • Use of Ebsco Host Research Databases is performed on an IP address without a proxy server within the university computer network.
  • Inter-library Borrowing and International Inter-library Borrowing
    If the UL does not have the documents (book or article) required by the reader, the former can order it from other libraries in the country or abroad.
    For this purpose, it is necessary to:
  • fill the bibliographic data of the document in a standard form and leave it in the library of the FMI or
  • order online

Order a book:

Order articles and parts of collections:

  • Request and delivery of documents electronically / DDS /
    Readers can order articles from magazines or parts of monographs (up to 30 pages) of the University Library funds at the following e-mail address: dds@libsu.uni-sofia.bg requires.

The affiliated library of Mathematics and Informatics can be used by students, lecturers, employees, postgraduate students at the University of Sofia as well as by external users. For this purpose, they need to be registered as readers and hold a reader's card or ISIC SU, or a SU card.

The registration and issuance of readers' cards are only made at the Central University Library .

Issue a reader card it is necessary:

for students of the University of Sofia to provide a photo and a student mark book price - 5 BGN;
for teachers and employees of the University of Sofia to provide a Service Card price - 5 BGN;
for external readers to provide an ID card and a photo price - 15 BGN;
a membership card for 1 day   price - 3 BGN;

Disadvantaged users use free-of-charge readership cards against submission of the relevant document.
The membership card is valid for one calendar year and entitles the reader to use library services.

Library Rules of Service

