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Students club for education and development with ecological center (S.K.O.R.E.C. – the Bulgarian word for Starling) was founded in 2009 from active students and supporting lecturers in different educational programmes in the Faculty. The club is hosted in the Department of Zoology and Anthropology and supported by numerous lecturers and other departments.

The main missions of SKOREC are:

Nature conservation activities with involvement of students – Participation in nature conservation brigades; Participation in science researches of NGOs and government institutions, connected with conservation; Popularizing of building and mounting of nest boxes for birds from natural materials; Temporary hosting of injured animals and transportation to specialized institutions; Support of eco-friendly activities and the Faculty-separated waste collection, separate waste boxes for old batteries, cleaning of the waste in the green areas around the Faculty. Project for building a composter in the working spaces of the building.


Blue tit – a wild visitor in the Faculty windows

Educational and scientific activities – Creating and managing of educational collection of live animals, aiming to support the lectures and exercises of Zoology course; Creating and managing of club library with easy access to biology literature and materials; Organizing of lectures with nature conservation and general biology themes for the students; Organizing of field researches and expeditions; Participation in science forums and presentation of the received science results. Organizing of photography competitions with accent in nature conservation and general biology; Providing of finances for artificial animal
models, aiming to replace the dissections of live animals for educational purposes.

Observations of birds during club’s field trip Winner and prize in the club’s photo competition

Social activities – Involvement of people from different social groups in the missions of education and nature conservation; Organizing of Club’s donation stand and fund raising for educational activities in the Faculty. Support for participation of children in drawing competition with nature conservation theme; Popularizing of successful nature conservation activities in the city environment. Creating a campaign for “adoption” of animals. Cooperative work with the students’ council in the Faculty. Workshops for students from the Faculty and high schools for creating of postcards, drawings and artifacts from natural materials, used for donations raising to support club’s activities.

Removing of dangerous icicles from the Faculty’s roof, organized by S.K.O.R.E.C. Help for exhausted bat, found in the Faculty

Find more on: www.skorec.org