Sofia Philosophical  Review

Alexander L. Gungov, Sofia University, Editor
Peter S. Borkowski, American University in Cairo, Associate Editor
Karim Mamdani, Sofia University, Book Review Editor
Kristina Stöckl, University of Innsbruck, International Editor

Vol. III, No. 1

Academic Community in
Civil Society


This is issue is printed with the kind support by the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Sofia and the Master’s Program in Philosophy Taught in English at Sofia University.

Sofia Philosophical Review accepts papers in the fields of Social, Political, and Moral Philosophy as well as Continental Philosophy in general. Please send a hard copy of the manuscripts accompanied by an electronic version of the same to:

Faculty of Philosophy
Sofia University
15 Tsar Osvobodoitel Blvd.
Sofia 1504

All prospective contributions should follow the Chicago Manual of Style. Review materials should be sent to the Book Review Editor at the above address.

ISSN 1313-275X
© Aglika Gungova, artist


Table of Contents


I. Ongoing Conversation on Levinas’ Metaphysics

Memory and the Immemorial in the Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas
Jeffrey Andrew Barash, Université de Picardie-Jules-Verne

In response to Jeffrey Andrew Barash: Memory and the Immemorial in the Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas
Maria Dimitrova, University of Sofia

II. Focal Points in the History of Bulgarian Philosophy

The Resilience of Bulgarian Nelsonianism
Dimiter Tsatsov, Institute for Philosophical Research, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

III. Elements of Philosophy of Law

The Soviet Recourse to the Death Penalty for Crimes Against Socialist Property (1961-1986)
George L. Kline, Bryn Mawr College and Clemson University

On Authority’s Primacy over Power: Putting Authority into Perspective
Jean-Pierre Cléro, Université de Rouen

Global Distributive Justice and Political Responsibility
Aysel Dogan, Koçaeli University

IV. Clarifying the Contemporary Political Discourse

Giving Politics an Edge: Rancière and the Anarchic Principle of Democracy
John McSweeney, Milltown Institute

Charles Taylor and a Hermeneutical Understanding of Meaningfulness
Nicole Note and Pieter Meurs, Interdisciplinary Centre Leo Apostel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

V. The Uneven Path of Russian Spirituality

The Philosopher of “The Silver Century”: 155th Anniversary of Vladimir Solovyov (1853 - 1900)
Dimiter Mirchev, St. Paisiy Hilendarsky University of Plovdiv

The Brothers Karamazov in the Prism of Hesychast Anthropology
Sergey Khoruzhy, Institute of Synergetic Anthropology, Moscow

VI. Book Reviews

Kant’s Ethics of Virtue, ed. Monika Betzler,
Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2008. 302 pp., $88.

Ognian Kassabov, University of Sofia

Albena Bakratcheva, The Call of the Green: Thoreau and Place – Sense in American Writing,
Veliko Tarnovo: Faber Publishers, 2009.
212 pp., BGN 18.
Richard J. Schneider, Wartburg College
Alexander Gungov, University of Sofia

Sergey Gerdjikov, Philosophy of Relativity,
Sofia: Extrem, 2008. 749 pp.

Maria Dimitrova, Sofa University

Kristina Stoeckl, Community After Totalitarianism: The Russian Orthodox Intellectual Tradition and the Philosophical Discourse of Political Modernity,
Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2008. 200 pp.,
$56.95, €36.40.

Alexander Gungov, University of Sofia

Intercultural Aesthetics: A Worldview Perspective, eds., Antoon Van den Braembussche, Heinz Kimmerle & Nicole Note,
London: Springer, 2009. 218 pp., €104.99.

Sofie Verraest, University of Sofia

VII. Announcements

Master's and Doctoral Studies in Philosophy Taught in English at Sofia University

Information about the Authors and Editors

Instructions for Author Submissions