Dr. George L. Kline is Milton C. Nahm Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania, and Adjunct Research Professor of History, Clemson University, South Carolina, USA.
Jeffrey Andrew Barash, Dr. Habil. is Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Université de Picardie-Jules-Verne, France, EU.
Dr. Maria Dimitrova is Associate Professor at the School of Philosophy, University of Sofia, Bulgaria, EU.
Dimiter Tsatsov, Dr. Habil is Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Philosophical Research, The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria, EU.
Jean-Pierre Cléro, Dr. Habil is Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Université de Rouen, France, EU.
Dr. Richard J. Schneider is Professor Emeritus in English at Wartburg College, Iowa, USA.
Dimiter Mirchev, Dr. Habil is Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy, St. Paisiy Hilendarsky University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, EU.
Dr. Sergey Khoruzhy is the founder of the Institute of Synergetic Anthropology, Moscow, Russian Federation.
Dr. Aysel Dogan is Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Koçaeli University, Turkey.
Dr. John McSweeney is a post-doctoral fellow at the Milltown Institute, Ireland, EU.
Dr. Nicole Note is a post-doctoral fellow at the Interdisciplinary Centre Leo Apostel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, EU.
Mr. Pieter Meurs a doctoral student at the Interdisciplinary Centre Leo Apostel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, EU.
Mr. Ognian Kassabov is a Ph.D. candidate and Adjunct Assist. Professor at the School of Philosophy, University of Sofia, Bulgraia, EU.
Ms. Sofie Verraest is a master’s students at the Graduate Program in Philosophy Taught in English at University of Sofia, Bulgaria, EU.
Dr. Alexander Gungov is Associate Professor at the School of Philosophy, University of Sofia, Bulgaria, EU.
Dr. Peter Borkowski is Lecturer at the Department of Rhetoric and Academic Writing, American University in Cairo, Egypt.
Mr. Karim Mamdani is a doctoral student at the Graduate Program in Philosophy Taught in English at University of Sofia, Bulgaria, EU.
Dr. Kristina Stöckl is a member of the Department of Systematic Theology, University of Innsbruck, Austria, EU.