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Prof. Siyka Chavdarova-Kostova, Dr. Theory of education; Work with family; Work with out-of-school institutions; Altruism and education; Pedagogical aspects of the phenomenon refugees;Intellectual differences and education; Pedagogy
Assoc. Prof. Toni Manasieva, PhD Methods of Educational Work; Preventive Pedagogy; Family and Deviant Behaviour; Social Work with Children in Institutions like Boarding Schools; Social Work with People with Deviant and Delinquent Behavior; Pedagogy; Practice in Special Institutions for Children
Assoc. Prof. Vanya Bozhilova, PhD Andragogy; Children’s rights; Community social work; Civil sector and municipal social services
Assoc. Prof. Vladislav Gospodinov, PhD Theory of education; Social activities and education; Social work with children in institutions of boarding house type; Intellectual differences and education
Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Nikolova, PhD Family pedagogy; Professional and personal profile of the teacher; Methodological requirements for adult learning; Teamwork
Asst. Prof. Berdzhuhi Yordanova, PhD Theory of education, Social Activities and Education, Working with Extracurricular Institutions, Health and gender education, Organizing adult education courses, Pedagogy, Organizing non-formal education courses
Asst. Prof. Daniela Rachеva, PhD Theory of education; Methodology of Educational Activity Methods for working with children with deviant and delinquent behavior; Work with out-of-school institutions; Social work with children in specialized institutions; School hygiene and health education
Asst. Prof. Daniel Polihronov, PhD Preventive Pedagogy; Systems for Preventive and Corrective Activity;
Practicum in Specialised Institutions for Working with Children; Social Work with Children in Boarding-type Institutions; Penitentiary and Post-penitentiary Social Work; Social Work with People with Deviant and Delinquent Behaviour; Social Work on Protection and Prevention of Children from Violence; Methods for Working with Children and Young People with Deviant and Delinquent Behaviour
Asst. Prof. Ekaterina Tomova, PhD Intercultural education; Theory of education; Family Pedagogy; Health and sex education and upbringing; Social Activities and Education
Asst. Prof. Petya Ivanova, PhD Family pedagogy; Theory of education; Work with out-of-school institutions