The European Commission awarded Sofia Univeristy St Kliment Ohridski the HR Excellence in Research Logo in October 2019. This is a recognition of our efforts to be an excellent employer implementing the principles in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, adopted by the European Commission.
These two documents are key elements in the European Union's policy to make research an attractive career, which is a vital feature of its strategy to stimulate economic and employment growth.
Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski endorses the principles of the European Charter and European Code of Conduct for the recruitment of researchers. Key elements of the Charter and Code are open and transparent recruitment and appraisal processes, provision of a stimulating and favourable working environment in which researchers have room for career development and lifelong learning, diversity and academic freedom.
Sofia University submitted an application for the right to use the HR Excellence in Research Logo to the European Commission in October 2016. The process includes the following steps:
- An internal analysis by the participating research institution to compare compliance of current policies and practices with the Charter and Code principles.
- The participating institution draws up an action plan. The action plan summarizes the main results of the internal analysis and sets out concrete actions to further implement the Charter & Code principles.
- The analysis and action plan are reviewed and acknowledged by the European Commission. The acknowledgement implies the right to use the HR Excellence in Research logo.
In the coming years, Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski will execute an improvement plan based on internal analysis. The execution of the actions will take the form of various projects involving cooperation with and between the faculties. Progress in the implementation of the strategy and action plan is subjected to a self-assessment after 2 years. Internal and external evaluation is carried out once every 3 years.
The right to use the European logo ties with Sofia University’s increased focus on good HR policy for researchers. It is important within the framework of the reporting practices applicable to European research projects.