The conference "E-learning, distance learning or... the education of 21st century" started
The education of 21st century is lifelong learning developing skills for using e-learning and distance learning - this was the main thought which gathered educators, mathematicians, state institutions and business representatives, starting one of the biggest-scale conferences this year. The event was organised by the Integral University Center for Research, Design and Delivery of Quality e-Learning of Sofia University and is funded by National Science Fund and the Operational Programme for Human Resource Development of the European Social Fund.
The Vice-Rector Nedyalka Videva opened the conference, stating that e-learning is one of the top priorities of the Rectors. Orlin Kuzov, Head ot ICT Directorate of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science reminded that the highways of knowledge are as equally important as the highway roads. Speeches at the official ceremony gave Mr. Kaiser, representative of Hitachi for South East Europe, sponsors of the event; the Dean of the Faculty of Education Assoc. Prof. Ivaylo Tepavicharov, the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Assoc. Prof. Dimitar Birov.
Key speaker of the conference was Prof. Noss professor of mathematics, Institute of Education, University of London, and co-director of London Knowledge Lab, who delivered a lecture "Learning the unlearnable, teaching the unteachable".
For further information please visit the site of the conference here.