Assoc. Prof. Dr Alexander Dimchev, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, opened the Day of the Faculty.
Assoc. Prof. Tatyana Yanakieva was awarded an Honorary Blue Ribbon Insignia, and addressed the young audience by the words "Yours is the future" and expressed her belief of a need for educational reform.
An Honorary Blue Ribbon Insignia was also given to Prof. Knud Larsen, Oregon State University, the USA. He shared his thanks for the support he had received from Sofia University and the Faculty of Philosophy, and he stated his willingness to continue his work for the development of Bulgaria.
Prof. Georgi Karasimeonov also received an Honorary Blue Ribbon Insignia for his work in the field of Political Studies. He noted that the future is full of challenges.
The students received their diplomas, and were addressed by Assoc. Prof. Dr Alexander Dimchev, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy with the words that knowledge is power and responsibility.