Due to the huge interest the conference organized by the specialty "Italian Philology" took place in the Aula.
The conference was dedicated to the renowned Italian classics. Apart from the students of Sofia University, the audience consisted of students of 105th School "Atanas Dalchev", National Educational Centre of Culture, and 32nd School "St. Kliment Ohridski".
The event was attended by the Italian Ambassador's wife Mrs. Dana Benaco and the Director of the Italian Cultural Institute Encio Peraro.
“Vivro’ fra I miei tormenti e le mie cure,
mie giuste furie, forsennato, errante;
paventaro’ l’ombre solinghe e scure
che ‘l primo error mi richeranno inante,
e del sol che scopri le mie sventure,
a schivo ed in orrore avro’ il sembiante.
Temero’ me medesmo; e da me stesso
Sempre fuggendo, avro’ me stesso appresso.”
Torquato Tasso (1544-1595) , from Gerusalemme Liberata, XII, 77-79