Scientists from around the globe gathered on a final conference on the programme "Inventing Europe" of the European Science Foundation.
Assoc. Prof. Todor Popnedelev, Vice Dean of the Faculty of History opened the event, stating his belief that the technologies will help to achieve what we aim at: the development of Europe and the world, towards a better future.
The conference had the goal to present the results of the programmes and research of the European Science Foundation and gave the chance for discussion.
The main theme of the conference was the circulation of technology between Eastern and Western Europe and its adaptation to the local contexts.The transfer of information was discussed as starting from the mid-19th c. when the terms "Eastern" and "Western" Europe did not exist.
The conference was attended by more than 150 scientists from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the UK, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Canada, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia, the USA, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine, Hungary, Finland, France, Holland, Czech Republic, Sweden.