Institute for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Students "Dialogue Europe" was announced as open in Hall 1 of Sofia University on 13th April. The Institute was established as a result of the competition "Center for Top Achievements" funded by the Scientific Research Fund.
Daniel Valchev, Minister of Education, and the Rector, prof. Ivan Iltchev announced the establishment of the institute. The new scientific structure of the University has the following objectives: development of the scientific potential of the University, design of a model for work and encouragement of the scientific research of the young scientists, further development of the administration in the field of Human Resources and International Relations; tuning the Bulgarian social environment to this of the European Union, and regional cooperation.
Sofia University Partners in this remarkable project are Bulgarian-American Commission for Educational Exchange "Fulbright", Geography Institute of Bulgarian Academy of Science, "Bureau and Archive" Department of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, syndicate "Higher Education and Science" with KNSB (Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria), and State Commission of Security of the Information.