The books "Rulers and books. The role of the South-Slavic ruler in the issuing and using of books during the Middle Ages (ІХ-ХV в.): the perception of the Byzantine model", "The novel 'Antichrist' by Emilian Stanev in the context of the Medieval Christian culture" and "The youth of Tsar Simeon" were presented as part of the series Hisrtory and Books.
The series is part of the project "History and historism in the Orthodox Slavic world" devoted to the history and development of the concept of history in the contemporary historical doctrines and myths of Bulgarians, Serbians, and Russians. The project is funded by the National Science Fund.
The series addresses a large audience of specialists.
"Rulers and books. The role of the South-Slavic ruler in the issuing and using of books during the Middle Ages (ІХ-ХV в.): the perception of the Byzantine model" is written by Nina Gagova who argues against the established perception of the dominant role of the church in these processes.
"The novel 'Antichrist' by Emilian Stanev in the context of the Medieval Christian culture" is by Venelin Grudkov.
Hristo Trendafilov is the author of "The youth of Tsar Simeon", in which he reinterprets the epoch in the context of other sources and research.