The Faculty of History organizes an international conference "Empires and Peninsulas. South-East Europe from Sremski Karlovci to the Treaty of Edrine 1699 - 1829. (societies, wars, and transitions)"
The interesting topic is a challenge for renowned historians from the universities in Athens, Komotini, Pisa, Crete, Purdue, Nis, Novi Sad, Istanbul, Chisinau, Vienna, and Sofia University, who gathered to discuss the period between the years 1699 and 1829. This is a period for transition to the modern country for the Central and Western European countries. For the Balkan countries the late 1800s and the beginning of the 19th c. brought the mobility to travel, as well as the desire for recognition of the former Ottoman Empire vassals - a period of changes.
The most important issue of the conference is the clarification that no matter how arguable is the notion "common European history" there is no doubt that South-East Europe is part of the Old Continent.