Academic 2008/2009
Eduacational Centre at Sofia University
offers further qualification
Business Informatics (4 semestres)
Cyber Security (2 semesters)
Offis Assistant (2 semesters)
Computer Advertising (1 semester)
Computer Presenattion (1 semester)
Word Processing (1 semester)
Word Processing for WWW (1 semester)
Databases in DELPHI (1 semester)
Visual Programming DELPHI (1 semester)
Internet inquiry – strategy and tactics (lectures)
The Mass Media Corespondence (4 semesters)
Business Communication (2 semesters)
Public Communication (lectures)
Management (4 semesters)
E-business (2 semesters)
Office Associate (4 semesters)
The successfully completed the course are awarded a certificate which complies with the Stete Requirements for Base Documentation Contents, issued by higher educational institutions.
For further information:
Online Tests information:
Е-mail: freefac@feb.uni-sofia.bg
Reception Office:
115, Blvd.Tsarigradsko Shose, block 3, floor 3, office 320, Sofia 1113
Tel.: (02) 8 73 81 23