Photo: http://student.ccbcmd.edu
A series of open lectures by renowned international experts in the field of human studies and contemporary history start on 6th October. They are organized by the Faculty of History and the Institute for doctoral and post-doctoral research "Dialogue Europe".
Prof. Merin Kunt from Sabandja University, Istanbul will deliver a lecture on “The Unresolved Tension of Sultanic Power” on 6th October, 2010, 15:15 in 35 Auditorium of Sofia University.
Prof. Elena Smilyanska from the State Humanity University, Moskow, “Old Believers: A Traditional Religious Community in the New Russia” on 7th October, 2010, 13:15 in 23 Auditorium of Sofia University.
An open lecture “Ottomanism in Three Centuries: 19th, 20th, 21st” will be delivered by Prof. Elizabeth Frierson from Cincinnaty University, the USA, in 23 Auditorium of Sofia University on 12th October, at 11:15.