Photo: Vladislav Gospodinov
The third exhibition of Vladislav Gospodinov, dedicated to "Alma Mater and the pedagogical education in Bulgaria -25 years Faculty of Education" was opened yesterday
The exposition is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Facuty of Education. The speciality dates back since the beginning of the University, and the history of the speciality is given in more than 140 coloursed and about 40 black and white photographs, 2/3 of which are author's and 1/3 is selected from archives. The accents are: the founders of Alma Mater, the University buildings, donators of the University and the Faculty of Education, the mission before the educators, students and lecturers of the Faculty, their scientific and other achievements, integration with other universities.
The exhibition will last until 17th December in both halls, then it will be moved to one of them until 7th January.
The book "Alma Mater and the pedagogy education in Bulgaria. Jubilee photoalmanach 25 years Faculty of Education" was presented in Hall 1 of the Rectorate. Prof. Albena Chavdarova presented the historic and contemporary approach to the theme. The compilers Prof. Yana Merdzhanova and Assit. Prof. Vladislav Gospodinov stated their gratitude to the academia for the support. Special thanks were delivered to St Cyril and St.Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo and its Rector Prof. Plamen Legkostup. Prof. Legkostup attended the event, with the Dean of the Faculty of Education Assoc. Prof.. Dr. Karapenchev and other representatives of this faculty of the University of Veliko Turnovo. Speeches also delivered the Vice-Rector of Sofia University Mariya Shishinyova, the Dean of the Faculty of Education Ivaylo Tepavicharov, the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Preschool and Primary School Education Assoc. Prof. Zdravko Lalchev, and others. The participants in the event congratulated the compilers of this important edition and wished it to become part of the academic culture of other academic communities as well.