As the old tradition goes, 24th May, The Day of Bulgarian education and culture and Cyrillic alphabet, was solemnly celebrated at Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“.
After laying wreaths on the monument of Saints Cyril and Methodius, the academic body was presented with the address delivered by Prof. Ilchev, and the academic speech delivered by Prof. Milena Kirova on "Book-learning in 21st century". The winners of the third national literature competition for a poem and a story initiated by the Foundation "St. Kliment Ohridski" were awarded. The five members of the jury distinguished Nikola Petrov for the poem "Because is one of those yellow days". He is a student of Sofia University, Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology, and Yassen Vassilev for the short story "Immaculately Conceived Oedipus", National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts "Krustyo Sarafov", among the 51 participants. Mr. Jordan Vassilev awarded this year's grant of Foundation „Blaga Dimitrova“ to Ilvie Kondareva, Mastrer's Degree Programme in Literature.
The celebration ended by a concert of the students of the Faculty of Preschool and Primary School Education.
The event was attended by Meglena Pugchieva, Deputy Prime minister of Bulgaria, Assoc. Prof. Daniel Vulchev, Minister of Education, Vanya Dobreva, Deputy Minister of Education, public and culture figures.