Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / News / Volunteer Park Cleanup Day in Front of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration




Dear Colleagues,


We, from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, invite you to join the "Let's Clean Bulgaria" initiative on September 14, 2024 (Saturday) at 9:30 AM.

Together, we will clean the park in front of Block 3 and prepare it for the upcoming academic year.

Очакваме ви в 930 часа пред Стопански факултет (2)

Our plans include:

  • Cleaning the paths and grassy areas of old branches;
  • Cleaning the underpass at "Iztok" bus stop;
  • Painting the frames of the exhibition panels and the railings in the underpass.


You can participate alone, with a friend, with family, or even with strangers.

The event is for everyone! We look forward to seeing you there!