Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / News / The Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria was awarded for an initiative carried out jointly with FEBA and Lidl Bulgaria




The Chairperson of the Council of Women in Business in Bulgaria (CWBB), Tsvetanka Mincheva, received the Distinctive Mark for Significant Achievements in Implementing Gender Equality Policies, which is awarded to institutions, organizations, and companies by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy. This year, the award specifically recognized the Council's creation of the first certified Academy for "Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion" conducted over two consecutive years (2023 and 2024) in partnership with the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" and Lidl Bulgaria. The two editions of the academy provided 43 participants with in-depth knowledge and understanding of topics related to the benefits of diverse and inclusive teams, inclusive leadership, and overcoming unconscious biases in the workplace and society.

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The award in the "Non-Profit Organizations" category at the seventh edition of the competition was presented by Lazar Lazarov, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policy, at an event held on May 28 at the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.

CWBB is once again among the honored organizations for its active work in creating and implementing policies and models for gender equality in social, professional, and personal realization.

Accepting the award, Tsvetanka Mincheva shared that the greatest recognition for a volunteer organization like CWBB is to see the real benefit to society from its efforts and work and that these efforts are appreciated. She thanked the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy for the award on behalf of the 240 corporate, individual, and associate members, and all the volunteers of the Council.