Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / News / Sofia University Partners with the Ministry of Environment and Water to host the 61st Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)




After a year of intensive work in partnership with the Ministry of Environment and Water to organize an official meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Bulgaria, we are pleased to announce that this will take place from July 25 to August 3, 2024, when Sofia will welcome delegates from over 130 countries participating in the 61st session of the IPCC.

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The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration will be involved in several key areas:

  1. Participation of some of our faculty members in the plenary sessions;
  2. Organization of the volunteer group that will support the work of the IPCC and Ministry of Environment and Water;
  3. Hosting the business forum accompanying the session;
  4. Conducting a side event where we will announce results from some of our latest research in the field of decarbonization and sustainable consumption;
  5. Supporting other thematic side events.

To learn more about our activities and how to get involved, don't hesitate to contact Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marina Stefanova at +359 888 637 654 or mstefanova@feb.uni-sofia.bg.