Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / News / Apostol Spassov from FEBA won the "Student of the Year" award at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" in the "Economic Sciences" category




Apostol Spassov, a student at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, was recognized as the Student of the Year at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" in the "Economic Sciences" category. He received his award from banker Levon Hampartzoumian at a ceremonial event held in the Aula of the Rectorate, where the traditional "Student of the Year" event took place.


Nominees in the same category were Emiliyan Andreev and Adriana Branicheva from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.


Apostol Spassov is a second-year student majoring in "Business Administration with English". He created a project for an online store based on the website of the Sofia Planetarium. Since 2020, the company Photonics Design Bureau, founded by Apostol and his friends, has been enjoying increasing success. They produce promotional t-shirts, mugs, and puzzles related to the Planetarium's activities. They plan to develop the online store through a partnership with Boeing and expand the collection of merchandise products.


In the photo: Students from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration together with the Rector, Prof. Dr. Georgi Valchev, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bozhidar Nedev

The "Student of the Year" competition is the most prestigious event annually organized by the Student Council to support the development of students and doctoral candidates and to recognize the best among them. This year, the ceremony was held for the seventh time and was broadcast live on the Student Council's Facebook page.


In the photo: Award-winning students from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration together with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bozhidar Nedev, Director of the Career Center

Attendees in the Aula included the Rector of Sofia University, Prof. Dr. Georgi Valchev, the Minister of Education and Science, Prof. Galin Tsokov, the Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Acad. Nikolay Vitanov, members of the rector's administration, deans of various faculties, professors, students, and guests. The ceremony was hosted by Antonia Dimitrova and Petar Zhelev from the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication.


At the ceremony, 40 students and doctoral candidates were honored in 12 categories for Sofia University's Student of the Year. The competition has been held since 2016 under the patronage of the Rector of Sofia University, who is also the chair of the jury.


Sofia University's Student of the Year for the 2024 academic year is Lyuba Konova from the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics. She received her award from the Rector, Prof. Dr. Georgi Valchev.


Lyuba thanked for the award and stated that in recent years Sofia University has become very special to her and that whenever she is on the world stage, she proudly mentions where she studies and develops.

Lyuba Konova is a master's student in "Logic and Algorithms" at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Sofia University. Since childhood, she has had a strong interest in mathematics and has experience in numerous olympiads and competitions. She is passionate about applied mathematics and compares logic to post-impressionist movements in art. Her goal is to contribute to mathematics by continuing her academic path after her master's degree. She finds inspiration in teaching both high school students and as a part-time university lecturer. She actively participates in the preparation of national teams for competitive mathematics.

Her achievements include a scholarship from the INSAIT Institute at Sofia University for 2023-2024; three-time leader of the Bulgarian national team for EGMO (European Girls' Mathematical Olympiad); participant in the international committee for selecting problems for EGMO 2024; EGMO 2024 coordinator; leader of the Bulgarian team for ITYM (International Tournament of Young Mathematicians) 2023-2024.

Lyuba is also an author of mathematical problems. She teaches math courses to second and third graders.

She is the recipient of three medals from the European Girls' Mathematical Olympiad and two honors from the Sharigina Geometry Olympiad.