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Kiril Velichkov Photo

Chief Assist. Prof. Kiril Velitchkov, PhD

Chief Assist. Prof. Kiril Velichkov, PhD has been a member of the Department of Business administration since October 2023. He teaches in the subjects Digital Business and Innovations and Learning Organization (since 2022), as well as in European Programs and Project Management (2002-2005 and since 2017) in the European Studies Department at the Faculty of Philosophy. He has also taught in the Master's program in Finance at the New Bulgarian University (2007 – 2014); at the Diplomatic Institute at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2011 – 2012) and at the Institute for Public Administration and European Integration (2004 – 2008).

Kiril Velitchkov is Director of European Projects and Financial Instruments directorate at UBB (since 2007) and UBB Interlease (since 2020); Manager of KBC Group European Financial Instruments Competence Centre (since 2015); KBC Bulgaria Entrepreneurship development leader; chairs the Bulgarian Association of Banks European Financial Instruments working group; represents UBB at KRIB European programmes committee; represents UBB Interlease at the Bulgarian Association Leasing Financial Instruments working group; Member of BCCI Investment Council executive committee; represents KBC Group in the Vienna Initiative Financial Instruments working group.

He has over 29-years of experience in private, public and NGO sectors. He has worked at Phare and Socrates EU programmes; the Center for Study of Democracy where he was coordinator of the European programme; the Goethe Institute where he was responsible for the EU programmes within SEE. He worked also at the pharmaceutical sector - Balkanpharma. He consulted Bulgarian and foreign ministries and was an independent expert of the European Commission and Financial Instruments consultant of the World Bank.

Kiril Velitchkov completed a PhD in European Financial Instruments and the link with the human capital in 2003. He has a master’s degree in “Economics and Management of Socio-Cultural Activities” from the University of National and World Economy (1998). He has authored over 40 publications, including monographs, textbooks, reports, and articles in Bulgaria and abroad on the topic of European financial instruments, organizational development and human resources.

Contact information: kiril.velitchkov@feb.uni-sofia.bg

Cabinet: 324

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