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The European Infrastructure for Translational Medicine EATRIS - ERIC is opening doors for Bulgarian scientific community

Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" hosted the first partnering conference entitled “The European Research Infrastructure for Translation Medicine EATRIS-ERIC in Bulgaria ". The event was co-organized by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Bulgarian representation of EATRIS-ERIC at Sofia University and dedicated to the affiliation of Bulgaria to the European infrastructure in 2018.

Sofia University Wins the 24 Hours Daily Prize of the Best High Academic Institution in the Country

At a ceremony, organized by the 24 Hours Daily the prizes of the top high academic institutions, based on the Rating System in this country, were awarded for the third time.

The Faculty of Biology successfully continues work on the AgroLabs Project

Under the "Balkans - Mediterranean 2014-2020 Transnational Cooperation Program", the Faculty of Biology at Sofia University, Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection, won and started work on the implementation of the "AgroFood Innovation Clusters" Project, with the acronym: "AgroLabs".

Professor Barry Barish Was Awarded a “Doctor honoris causa “Degree by Sofia University

At an official ceremony in Aula magna of the Rectorate, Professor Barry Barish of California Institute of Technology was awarded a “Doctor honoris causa” honorary degree by Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” Marked 130th Anniversary with a Solemn Meeting and a Concert at the Ivan Vazov National Theatre

8th, December, 2018 marked the culmination point of the festivities with which the oldest high academic institution in this country celebrated its 130th anniversary. The jubilee was an opportunity for the academic community to report on its contributions to Alma mater in the intellectual and spiritual domains of Bulgarian history and to highlight with activities that Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” is a temple of knowledge, science and national spirit.

On the Occasion of the 130th Anniversary of Sofia University a New Postal Stamp Was Validated

In the Rectorate’s Central Foyer a stamp validation ceremony dedicated to the anniversary of the establishment of the oldest high academic institution in this country was held.

Professor Chin Che Kyo Was Awarded a Doctor Honoris Causa Honorary Degree by Sofia University

At an official ceremony at the Aula magna of the Rectorate Professor Chin Che Kyo of the Songyunguan University was awarded the Doctor honoris causa honorary degree of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

Students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Won Silver and Bronze Medals in a Programming Competition

Three teams from the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics from Sofia University participated in the 19-21st October, 2018 South-eastern European Regional Competition held in Bucarest as part of the ACM (ICPC SEERC) International Programminng Competition for 2018-2019. The competition was held in two cities simultaneously – Bucarest, Romania, and Kiev, Ukraine.

The First Center for Applied Research and Innovations in Bulgaria Was Opened at the Faculty of Biology

The official opening of the Center for Applied Research and Innovations and a Career Center was opened at the Faculty of Biology at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

Professor Dr. habil Stoyko Fakirov of the University of Oakland, New Zealand was conferred the honorary title of Doctor honoris causa of Sofia University

At a solemn ceremony, which took place at Aula magna of Alma mater Professor Dr habil Styko Fakirov was conferred the honorary degree of Doctor honoris causa of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. The proposal for the conferment of the degree of the oldest and most prestigious high academic institution in this country comes from the Faculty of Pharmacy and Chemistry and is to mark the substantial contribution of Professor Dr habil Stoyko Fakirov for the development and the technologies of the science of the polymers in this country.

The 2018/2019 Academic Year at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” Was Officially Opened

The academic year of the oldest high academic institution in this country, which marks 130 years of its establishment this year, was officially opened. Guests of the ceremony held in Aula magna were the Vice President of the Republic Mrs Iliyana Yotova, Deputy Chairperson of Parliament Yavor Notev and the Vice Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev.

Alma mater welcomes new Erasmus+ students

During the academic year of 2018/ 2019 135 young people from 22 countries from Europe , Asia and North America chose the best Bulgarian university for their student mobility program.

Workshop “Advanced Materials” H2020 Materials Networking project

The 3rd Workshop Advanced Materials, organized within the H2020 project Materials Networking, took place from September 11th to 14th, 2018 in Djuni, Bulgaria. The Workshop was attended by scientists from all four partnering organizations of the project, namely Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Sofia University, Bulgaria, coordinator of the project, University of Cambridge, UK, Max Plank Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany and the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Barcelona.

Workshop Advanced Materials

The 3rd Workshop Advanced Materials, organized within the H2020 project Materials Networking, will take place from September 11th to 14th 2018 in Djuni, Bulgaria.

Scientists from the University of Cambridge visited the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, University of Sofia

Within the frame of the Materials Networking Project, funded from the EU Horizon 2020 programme, from 17th to 20th of July, 2018, the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy was visited by worldwide known researchers from the Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, UK.

The Faculty of Biology continues the work on the project AgroLabs

Under the "Balkans - Mediterranean 2014-2020 Transnational Cooperation Program", the Faculty of Biology at the Sofia University, Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection, won and started work on the implementation of the project "AgroFood Innovation Clusters", project acronym: "AgroLabs".

Presentation of the main activities within the project Materials Networking

On June 28, 2018, at the Conference Hall of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Sofia University "St. Kl. Ohridski" a presentation of the main activities carried out so far within the project Materials Networking, funded under the call TWINNING of the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Commission, took place.

International Scientific Conference “The Balkans in European Integration –Its Past, Present and Future”

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” was the host of “The Balkans in European Integration – Its Past, Present and Future”. In the two days’ forum scholars from Bulgaria and other European countries participated and traced the historical links between the Western Balkans and Europe, the integration processes in the European South-East as a phenomenon of the past and their perspective in view of the future accession of the region to the European Union.

Anna Petrova from the Faculty of Law Is the Student of the Year of Sofia University

At a solemn ceremony at Aula magna of the oldest Bulgarian high academic institution the winners of the Student of the Year at Sofia University were awarded. The ceremony was organized for a third consecutive year by the Students’ Council at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and this year it is dedicated to the 130ieth anniversary of the establishment of Alma mater. The best Ph D student has received a prize for a second consecutive year.

Discussion on the Future of the Youth in Digital Europe

Aula magna at Sofia University hosted a civic dialogue on the issues and problems faced by the youth in digital Europe. It was attended by a wide audience of students, faculty and guests.

Alma mater Hosts the International Forum of Diplomatic, Economic, Academic and Cultural Days

From 23-26 April, 2018 Sofia hosted the CIDIC initiative of Diplomatic, Economic, Academic and Cultural Days. Sofia University was the host of two of the forum’s parallel sessions. Alma mater was given the honorary prize for its contribution to the domain of economic diplomacy.

Sofia University’s Team Comes Back with Two Prizes from a Prestigious International EU – CEEMC Law Competition

The Faculty of Law’s team at Sofia University won two prizes at the prestigious international CEEMC (Central and Eastern European Moot Court Competition), that took place on 20 – 23 April, 2018 in Wroclaw, Poland. Sofia University reached the competition’s semi-final and was awarded two prizes – “The best Written Defense” and “The best orator at the Competition”.

Sofia University Takes the 855th Position in the World for Academic Achievements of Universities (URAP) for 2017/2018

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” takes the 855th position in the URAP (University Ranking by Academic Performance) for 2017/2018. URAP’s ranking system collects data from 4000 high academic institutions world-wide, assesses their academic achievements with a major focus on their scientific activities, and ranks the top 2500 high academic institutions in the world. This makes URAP’s ranking one of the most comprehensive university ranking systems, representing the best 10 % of the world universities.

Project BG05M2OP001-1.002-0019: „Clean technologies for sustainable environment – waters, waste, energy for circular economy“

Sofia University leads a project for establishment of a Centre of Competence “Clean technologies for sustainable environment – waters, waste, energy for circular economy“, funded by the Operational Programme “Science and education for smart growth” 2014-2020, co-financed by the European union through the European structural and investment funds.

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and the University of Qatar Signed a Memorandum for Cooperation

The Rector of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohrdiski” Professor Dr. Habil. Anastas Gerdzhikov and the President of the University of Qatar Dr. Hassan Rashid Al-Derham signed a Memorandum for Cooperation aiming at establishing more effective academic relations and cultural links.

Representatives of Sofia University Were Distinguished for Outstanding Contributions to CERN Research

The CMS Collaboration awarded its annual prizes for outstanding contributions to young scholars for the implementation of the 2017 research program. Amongst them are two representatives of Sofia University – Todor Ivanov and Petur Tsrunchev.

Sofia University Remains Is Leading Institution in Two Approved Financing Project Proposals for Centers for Top Achievements

The person in charge of the Ruling Body of the Science and Education for Educational Growth 2014-2020 Program approved the report of the evaluation commission for the appraisal and the rating of project proposals subject to selection BG05M2OP001-1.001 “Building and Development of Centers for Top Achievements”.

For Second Consecutive Year Alma mater Received the Award of the 24 Hours Daily for the Best Bulgarian University

At a ceremony organized by 24 Hours daily for the second time the awards to the best universities were presented. They were chosen on the basis of their position in the Rating System of the high academic institutions in this country.

Ted Robert Gurr, Doctor Honoris Causa of Sofia University - In Memoriam

A renown scholar in the field of conflict analysis, communal identities, violence and terrorism, an exceptional person and a precious friend of Bulgaria, Prof. Ted Robert Gurr, passed away in late 2017 at the age of 81. Distinguished University of Maryland Professor Emeritus, Prof. Ted Robert Gurr is the author of the award-winning books, Why Men Rebel (Princeton, 1970, 40th anniversary edition 2010); and Violence In America (Bantam Books, and Praeger, 1969; Sage Publications, 1979 and 1989 eds.). He is the Founder and consultant to the Minorities at Risk project (1985), and the Polity project (late 1960s); and Collaborator on the START project Turning to Terrorism: Ethnic, Religious and Extremist Organizations.

Erasmus Day at Sofia University

The Erasmus + Program was presented at Sofia University. In the Central Foyer the students had the opportunity to visit stands where they obtained information about partnering universities.

Sofia University Confucius Institute Awarded the Prize of Institute of the Year

Sofia University Confucius Institute is amongst the 25 establishments awarded the honorary prize of “Excellent Institute for the Year of 2017” out of 525 institutes worldwide.

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” Keeps Its Leading Position in the Rating System of High Academic Institutions

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” comes first in 23 out of 27 subjects taught to students in the seventh consecutive edition of the Rating System of the High Academic Institutions in Bulgaria which included updated information for 2017. Alma mater is positioned first in the subjects of Economics, and Administration and Management. For its first year the University is placed first in Health Care.

Sofia University Rates Amongst the Top High Academic Institutions in Two International Ratings

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” has kept its position among the best universities in the 2017 CWUR (Center for World University Rankings) released on 16th October, 2017 and of the 2018 QS EECA Region University Rankings.

Professor Anastas Gerdzhikov: “The academic community is the champion of a prestigious tradition, which has to be respected, supported and enthusiastically developed.”

The academic 2017/2018 year of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” was officially opened with a solemn ceremony at the Aula magna. Following tradition, at the beginning of the celebration, the Rector and the Academic Council laid flowers to the monuments of the donors, Evlogi Georgiev and Christo Georgiev.

Guest of the official opening of the academic year was the President of the Republic of Bulgaria, Roumen Radev.

New patent for an invention at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

Patent № 7/ 31.07.2017 of the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria was issued for Invention № 66590 “Content for the Production of Construction Materials”. The invention has been made by a team from the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy at Sofia University led by Alexander Lenchev.

Success Scored by French and Bulgarian Scientists – New Zeolithic Materials with Unique Characteristics Published by the Nature Materials Journal

In an article published in one of the most prestigious scientific journals, Nature Materials, scientists from the University of Caen, France, and from Sofia University report on the synthesis and the comprehensive characterization of zeolites devoid of any structural defects through the introduction of tungsten.

An Academic Ceremony at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” Marked the Day of Bulgarian Education and Culture and the Slavonic Alphabet

Professor Dr habil Anastas Gerdzhikov says: “The book will disappear us when our appreciation of letters leaves our hearts.“

Alma Mater Joined the Global Alliance of Foreign Studies Universities

On May 19th, on the initiative of Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), in Beijing a Memorandum for the establishment of a Global Alliance of Foreign Studies Universities was signed.

The Department of Language Teaching Administered the First Bulgarian Language Examinations for Chicago Students for Obtaining the Seal of Bilingualism

Since April, 2017, Bulgarian language has been included in the bilingualism syllabus of Illinois, USA. Administering the examinations for the students attending the Bulgarian Sunday schools was delegated to the Department of Language Teaching at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

Two Sofia University Scholars Awarded the Pythagoras Prize for Work in the Natural Engineering Sciences

Professor Dr Todor Dudev and Professor Dr Ivo Grabchev are this year’s winners as distinguished scholars in the domain of the natural engineering sciences. Professor Dudev holds the Chair of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Applied Organic Chemistry at the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy and Professor Grabchev is the head of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Physiology and Pathophysiology at the Faculty of Medicine of Sofia University.

The Expanded Digital Scientific and Research Library “Zograph” Was Presented at Sofia University

The Philology Library hosted the presentation of the third expansion phase of the Zograph digital scientific and research library. The new acquisitions of the library include six digitalized manuscripts from the St. Dionysius Monastery on Mount Athos and 20 manuscripts from the Troyan Monastery. The event was organized by the University Library and was part of the traditional Sofia University May Days programme.

Professor Thierry de Montbrial Was Conferred Doctor Honoris Causa of Sofia University

Professor Thierry de Montbrial was conferred Doctor honoris causa of Sofia University “St. KLiment Ohridski” at a solemn ceremony at the Aula magna of the University.

Sofia University Team Wins Top Prize in the Biggest EU Central and Eastern Europe Moot Court Competition

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” hosted the biggest EU Central and Eastern Europe Moot Court Competition. The final phase of the competition was in Lecture Theatre 272 of the Rectorate and consisted of two parts – preliminary written submissions and oral pleadings. The first place went to our Alma mater’s team including Zlatina Gadzheva, Mariela Bogdanova, Ana Petrova and Alexander Leshev. Their coaches were Stilyana Ivanova and Tsvetelina Bayraktarova.

Sofia University Hosts the Third Annual Conference of the Association of Balkan Universities

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” hosted the Third Annual Conference of the Association of Balkan Universities. The organization, set up in 2008, includes 59 high academic institutions from all Balkan countries. Professor Ivan Ilchev, former Rector of Sofia University, 2007-2015, in 2016 took over the chairpersonship of the Association for a year.

Sofia University Rector Met CERN’s Director General

Sofia University Rector Professor Dr. Habil. Anastas Gerdzhikov met the Director General of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) Professor Fabiola Gianotti. Professor Gianotti is currently on a visit to this country on the invitation of the Minister of Education and Science Professor Nikolay Denkov.

Meeting Dedicated to the 30ieth Anniversary of the Erasmus Program Held at Sofia University

The Aula Magna of Sofia University hosted a special meeting dedicated to the 30ieth anniversary of the establishment of the Erasmus Program. The event was organized by the Human Resources Development Center jointly with the Council of Rectors.

Faculty of Law Students Come Second in Human Rights Competition

Sofia University Faculty of Law students won second place in the prestigious pleading competition on the European Human Rights Convention. The Sofia University team won the prize for the best written statement on behalf of the defendant government as a response to a complaint lodged with the European Court of Human Rights.

A newly-discovered mineral K-Mg arfvedsonite is presented at Alma mater

A newly-discovered mineral K-Mg arfvedsonite, recently discovered by Dr Momchil Dyulgerov, Senior Assistant Professor at the Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Ores and Minerals at the Faculty of Geology and Geography, was presented at the Museum of Mineralogy, Petrology and Ores and Minerals at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. The event was part of a series of occasions marking the 125th anniversary of the Museum which is to be celebrated in 2017.

New Project at Sofia University to Stimulate Sports Amongst Students

The Te(a)chIn Sport Project, financed by the Erasmus + SPORT at the EC Program, was launched with Sofia University being a leading institution in it. The project was presented at a conference held at Alma mater. Its objective was to stimulate the practising of sports on a large scale byamongst students and youngsters, to enhance their informational awareness, the use of new technologies and their participation in volunteers’ initiatives.

Sofia University receives a positive grade of the distance learning environment

The National Agency Evaluation and Accreditation Agency gave a positive grade of the distance learning environment at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. The Information and Communication Technology in Education Masters’ Program, run by the Faculty of Education, was also accredited. The two-term MA Program of distance learning will commence students’ admission in the autumn of 2017.