The Rector Prof. Ilchev announced the start of the new season of "Ku-ku: Reloaded" which will be on the Bulgarian National TV every Monday at 23:00.
The Rector reminded of the mistrust and resistance which the National Students' TV Channel Alma Mater had to overcome the last few years. He stated that this channel would not be working if was not for the enthusiasm of its director Svetlana Bozhilova and the young people, and without the support of the National TV. He also announced that students fron New Bulgarian University had already started participating which could be seen as the beginning of a real youth TV channel with students from all universities in the country.
Svetlana Bozhilova described the "Ku-ku: Reloaded" as reflecting the contemporary youth spirit with humour. The guests in the Conference Hall could see 6 minutes of the first four programmes.