Sofia University "St Kliment Ohridski" with deep regret announces the death of Prof. Vluchko Kunchev on 26th July, 2009
Vluchko Kunchev was born on 13th September, 1929. After graduating at Sofia University, he received his Doctoral Degree at Moscow State University. He was head of the Department of "Mass Communications" and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication. He also lectured at the Teacher Training Institute in Stara Zagora, and in the Southeast University, Blagoevgrad.
Prof. Kunchev published a number of monographs. He is the author of more than 47 papers in collections in Bulgarian, English, Czech, Polish, and Russian.
Prof. Kunchev gained the deep respect of his colleagues, he was an erudite scientist and lecturer, respected scholar and person.
Rest in piece.
Academic Council