Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / Degree Programmes / Bachelor's Degree Programmes / Faculty of Economics and Business Administration / Business Administration / Business Administration (English) - Curriculum / Italian as a Second Foreign Language - 2 Year





Status: Required course

Period: Second year, First and second semesters

ECTS credits: 6

Class hours: 90 lectures

Language: Italian

Requirements: Students choose one second foreign language from French, German, Italian or Spanish

Prerequisites: Competed Italian 1 course


Course content:

It is an obligatory Italian language course for students who have completed Italian1 course. It covers lexical items, grammar and some topics about Italian civilization. The main text book used is Nuovo Progetto italiano 1 and 2. The course aim is to develop the basic language skills acquired the previous year and reach level B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. It also aims to introduce elements of Italian for professionals and develop some specific language skills.


Intended learning outcomes:

Students should:

- Listen and understand the essence of texts in a clear, standardized language on familiar topics related to work, education and current events;

- Read texts which use lexical items related to work, education, personal letters and others;

- Participate in conversations on familiar topics without preparatory work, and be able to describe experience, book or a film;

- Write uncomplicated texts on personal or professional topics, letters and others.