Major Business Administration
Status: Required course
Period: First year, First and second semesters
ECTS credits: 4+4+6 including course paper
Class hours: 120 (60 lectures and 60 seminars)
Language: Bulgarian
Prerequisites: Admission exams in Mathematics and English
This course leads students to their future profession i.e. the management of different organizations and organized activity. First, they are taught the structure of the organization – its limits, goals. processes, functions, activities, departments and divisions, and behavior. The introduction of the basic terminology is followed by a comprehensive review of the management theory since the beginning of the 20th century to present days. It helps students acquire initial information about the existing knowledge in the field and learn how to look for it and how to learn. Furthermore, the management of the organization is seen as a process that ensures reproduction of the whole in a given environment with desirable quality, as “the production of decisions” and organizational learning, and as exercising of power in management structures. Regarding the purpose of management, special attention is paid to issues of organization diagnosis, goal setting, organization, and creating organizational structures - organization design, work in socio-cultural layer of the organization / social formation /, management and leadership style The purpose of the seminars is not only to teach initial skills in the subject area but also to help students acquire skills in communication, planning of individual activities, using of different information sources, and self-development.
The course is divided into two parts. The first one examines questions such as the nature of the organization and its management, structure and the definition of objectives. The second part continues with the study of management, leadership, management of people and of social formations (work in the socio-cultural layer) and ends with diagnosis of the organization and its environment.
Intended learning outcomes:
The nature of management and how to study it, the organization limit, goals, structure, work in the socio-cultural layer, management activity and leadership style, diagnosis.
- Dealing with management problems in the organization, self-development in the field.
- Definition of organization strategies.
- Writing a business plan.