Home / The University / Faculties / Faculty of Law / Degree Programmes / Master's Degree Programmes / Faculty of Law / International Business Relations


Head of the LLM Program Prof. Dr. Nikolay Natov, e-mail: natov_n@yahoo.com



/3 semesters/


Courses lect./credits
Obligatory Courses
Introduction to International Business Relations 15/1
International Trade Rules 60/7
Bank and Credit Institutions 45/5
Economic system of EU 75/8
International Commerce Arbitration 60/6
International Tax Law 45/5
International Business Negotiation 45/5
International Transport Relations 60/6
Legal Status of International Investment 45/5
Pre-graduate Project 100
English 180
Elective Courses
Legal Status of International Economic Organizations 30/3
International Private-law Aspects of Intellectual Property 30/3
EU Information Law 30/3
EU Competition Law 30/3
Consumer Contracts 30/3
International Marketing. 30/3




/4 semesters/


Courses Lect./Credits
Theory of International Relations 90/8
History of International Relations 60/5
International Public Law 75/6
International Private Law 75/6
Theory of International Contracts 60/5
Introduction in International Business Relations 15/1
International Trade Rules 60/7
Bank and Credit Institution 45/5
EU Economic System 75/8
International Commercial Arbitration 60/6
International Tax Law 45/5
International Business Negotiation 45/5
International Transport Relations 60/6
Legal status of International Organizations 45/3
English 180
Pre-graduate Project 100
Elective courses
Legal Status of International Economic Organizations 30/3
International Private-law Aspects of Intellectual Property 30/3
EU Information Law 30/3
EU Competition Law 30/3
Consumer Contracts 30/3
International Marketing. 30/3