The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Sofia University with deep regret announces the death of Assoc. Prof. Armenuhi Pirian - Hachikian.
Assoc. Prof. Pirian has been a member of the Academia since 1968. Since 1973 she was a lecturer in the Department of Political Economics, and one of the founders of the Department of Economics of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. She has been a member of the Department of European Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy since 2000.
Assoc. Prof. Armenuhi Pirian taught basic economic disciplines for 38 years; she was also the author of more than 30 articles, text books and reference books, a member of the Academic Council, Vice-Dean in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.
Assoc. Prof. Armenuhi Pirian was among the founders of the Regional Distance Learning Centre at Sofia University, she also supported the establishment and activities of the Francophone Programme, whose Head was since 2003. She became a bearer of the highest French academic award Academic Palms in 2011 for her contribution in the field of education and popularization of the French culture.
Sofia University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and Department of Economics lost a respected scientist, lecturer, colleague and friend.
Rest in peace.