Assoc. Prof. Nedyalka Videva, Vice-Rector, opened the Information Day "Lifelong Learning at Sofia University"
She noted that lifelonglearning is one of the priorities of the current Rector mandate and stated her expectations the discussions to help identify the problematic areas and possible solutions. She also anounced that the main problem in her view are the enactments which do not recognize these qualifications.
The opening was attended by representatives of the Labour Agency, Regional Educational Inspectorate and the Human Resources Development Centre. Milena Karaaganova, Chief Expert of the Human Resources Development Centre, briefed the audience on the Lifelong Learning Programme.
10.15 – 10.45
- Assoc. Prof. Roumiana Peytcheva-Forsyth, Faculty of Education, Postgraduate qualification for integrating technologies in diverse educational context
- Assoc. Prof. Roumiana Peytcheva-Forsyth, Faculty of Education, The PRЕЕL model for e-tutor support
10.45 – 11.00
- Sport Department - activity and courses
- Acad. Atanas Atanasov, "Collaborative Genome Centre - a new beginning for the bio-economics in Bulgaria"
11.15 – 11.30
- Tanya Simeonova, Director of Alma Mater Radio - Radio programmes production
11.30 – 11.45
- Assist. Prof. Svetla Bozhilova, Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communications - TV programmes production
11.45 – 12.00
- Assoc. Prof Angel Angelov, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Training techers in informatics and information technologies
12.00 – 12.30
- Department for Information and In-Service Training of Teachers, Accents of the Department for Information and In-Service Training of Teachers portfolio
- Department for Information and In-Service Training of Teachers, Open dialogue on lifelong learning
12.30 – 13.00
- Assoc. Prof. Liliana Apostolova-Politova, Department of Language Learning - Multimedia and interactive system for teaching mathematics to foreign students
- Roumiana Dzhelebova, Department of Language Learning - Methodology for language competences evaluation according the Common European Language Framework, (programme Leonardo Da Vinci)
13.00 – 13.15
- Assist. Prof. Ekaterina Sofronieva, Faculty of Preschool and Primary School Education - New interactive methods in young children foreign language teaching
13.15 – 14.00 Brake
14.00 – 16.15
14.00 – Assoc. Prof. T. Angelova, Facuty of Slavic Studies, EUCIM –TE" EUCIM - European Teacher Education Second Language Core Curriculum
14.15 – Prof. Minka Zlateva - PR and the media
14.30 – Antoan Bozhinov Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communications - Photography course
14.45 – Prof. Karadzhova Faculty of Preschool and Primary School Education – Teacher training for integrated education
15.00 – Assoc. Prof. Madlen Danova, Faculty of Classical and Modern Pholology, Training FL teachers, training university lecturers
15.30 – Assoc. Prof. Aneta Karageorgieva (Faculty of Philosophy) – Lifelong learning in philosophy
15.45 – Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Ratchev - Lifelong learning programmes in Psychology
16.00 – Assist. Prof. Atanas Semov - Postgraduate qualification "EU Law", jount with the university in Nancy and the university Shuman Stasbourg