Room 63, 3rd floor, South wing, Rektorat, SU „St. Climent Ohridski”, bul. “Tsar Osvoboditel” 15.
Public defense of PhD student Petya Valkova Angelova for acquiring the educational and scientific degree Doctor (PhD) in Professional Field 3.1. Sociology, Anthropology and Culture Studies, Doctoral program „Cultural Studies” (Youth in Bulgaria. Public debates, social actions, movements, ideologies, political regimes and institutional structures of the late 19th and 20th centuries)
Dissertation topic: THE YOUTH POLITICAL RESISTANCE (1944-1949)
Chairman of the scientific jury: Assoc.Prof. Martin Ivanov Ivanov, D.Sc.
- Prof. Rayna Dimitrova Gavrilova, PhD
- Assoc. Prof. Kristina Miroslavova Popova, PhD
- Assoc. Prof. Gergana Miroluybova Popova, PhD