Home / The University / Institutes / Institute of Law, Economics and Intellectual Property / News from the IP Institute / Intellectual property reached young people in several high schools through a joint initiative of FEBA, the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria and IPIIS




On September 29 and 30, 2022, a training was held in the hall of the Central Patent Library, related to the peculiarities of the brand and industrial design in the era of digital technologies.

The joint initiative organized by the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria with the participation of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and the Institute of Law, Economics and Intellectual Property (IPIIS), promotes industrial property among the young generation as a means of protection and a means of fighting against the distribution and consumption of counterfeit goods. Students and teachers from the National Financial and Economic High School, the National High School of Applied Arts “St. Luka”, 18 SU “William Gladstone” – Sofia and the National Vocational School of Photography and Printing.


On the first day of the two-day training, the participants were introduced to the processes of identification and creation of a brand, the procedures for registering brands and designs, the digitization of industrial designs, the available tools and electronic services for acquiring protection on brands and designs, as well as the possible infringements and ways to protect industrial property.

On the second day, students took part in a team competition to prepare a business project related to the development of a brand, the acquisition of protection and the possibilities of its infringement by using it to distribute counterfeit goods.

The winning teams of the competition were presented with special prizes and the participating schools were presented with a certificate on behalf of the Patent Office and the EU Intellectual Property Office.