Head Prof. Aleksander Dreischuh, Dr.
Room B403
Phone (+359 2) 8161 611
Staff ↓ | About | Website |
The Department of Quantum Electronics was established in 1978. However, the work in the field of Quantum Electronics in the Faculty of Physics started in 1966 when group of scientists in the Department of Radiophysics and Electronics built the first in Bulgaria Nd:glass laser. Presently, the Department of Quantum Electronics consists of 3 professors, 2 associated professors, 5 assistant professors, four research scientists, and nine graduate students; three of them with Dr. Sc.-degrees, the others - with PhD degrees. As an average, in the last years twenty students per year graduate at M. Sc.-level in Quantum Electronics and Laser Technique, and in Laser Physics, more than 300 since 1977.
The Department of Quantum Electronics has close relations with the Institute of Laser Technique at the Sofia University, which is principally concerned with the development, manufacturing and testing of custom-designed laser systems. The staff of the Institute consists of seventeen research scientists, ten of them with a PhD degree in physics, the others - physicists, electronic engineers etc.
The activity of the staff of the Department and the Institute in 60 research projects is summarized in 451 articles in scientific journals and is referenced more than 830 times by foreign research groups. Five Dr. Sc. degrees and twenty-two PhD degrees are awarded to scientists from both institutions.
Associated Laser Technics Laboratory
Prof. Aleksander Dreischuh, Dr.
Room: B403
Phone: (+359 2) 8161 611
E-mail: ald@phys.uni-sofia.bg
web: personal homepage
Assoc. Prof. Stoyan Kurtev, PhD
Room: B410
Phone: (+359 2) 8161 887
E-mail: skоurtev@phys.uni-sofia.bg
Assoc. Prof. Ivan Buchvarov, PhD
Room: LLT 202
Phone: (+359 2) 8161 708, 8161 618
E-mail: ibuch@phys.uni-sofia.bg
Web: research group homepage, personal homepage
Head Assist. Prof. Aleksandar Gaydardzhiev
, PhD
Room: LLT 202, 102
Phone: (+359 2) 8161 708, 8161 733
e-mail: a.gaydardzhiev@phys.uni-sofia.bg
Head Assist. Prof. Nasko Gorunski, PhD
Room: LLT 306
Phone: (+359 2) 8161 751
E-mail: naskog@phys.uni-sofia.bg
Head Assist. Prof. Nikolay Dimitrov, PhD
Room: LLT 322
Phone: (+359 2) 8161 798, 8161 742
e-mail: nrd@phys.uni-sofia.bg
Head Assit. Prof. Lyubvomir Stoyanov, PhD
Room:LLT 322
Phone: (+359 2) 8161 742, 798
e-mail: l.stoyanov@phys.uni-sofia.bg
Physicist Veselina Saltiel
Room: B412
Phone: (+359 2) 8161 826
E-mail: ssv@phys.uni-sofia.bg
Physicist Zlatko Kolev
Room:LLT 206
Phone: (+359 2) 8161 793
e-mail: z.kolev@phys.uni-sofia.bg