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Gamification in Business, Public, and Non-Governmental Sector


Duration of Study: 2 semesters

Form of Study: Full-time

Program Director: Chief Assistant Prof. Dr. Aleksey Potebnya

Email: aleksey.potebnia@feb.uni-sofia.bg


Application Requirements To apply for the program, candidates must submit a document proving they have completed a bachelor's or master's degree and undergo an oral interview with a committee. The admission score is calculated based on the average grade from the diploma, the grade from the state exam (thesis defense), and the interview score, which is evaluated as "pass" or "fail." A "pass" is equivalent to a grade of (6.00), and a "failure" is equivalent to (2.00), resulting in the candidate being excluded from the ranking. The maximum possible score for admission is 18.

Application Periods for Winter Semester of the 2024/2025 Academic Year

Candidates can submit their documents through the platform https://feba.kmk.uni-sofia.bg/ during one of the following three stages:

  • First stage: July 1 - July 21, 2024
  • Second stage: July 25 - September 15, 2024
  • Third stage: September 21 - September 30, 2024

An informational meeting with the program's management will be held on July 5, 2024, at 18:30 on the Teams platform at the following link: http://bit.ly/3JgcfFl.


Admission Interviews

The admission interviews for the master's program will be conducted online at 18:30 on the Teams platform at the following link: http://bit.ly/3JgcfFl, as per the schedule:

  • First stage: July 24, 2024 (Wednesday) at 18:30 on MS Teams
  • Second stage: September 18, 2024 (Wednesday) at 18:30 on MS Teams
  • Third stage: October 2, 2024 (Wednesday) at 18:30 on MS Teams


Curriculum Valid from the 2021/2022 Academic Year (In Bulgarian) - Applicable for the 2024/2025 Academic Year


Tuition fees in Sofia University for the academic 2024 / 2025 year


About the Program "Gamification in Business, Public, and Non-Governmental Sectors"

Gamification, also known as game-based learning, involves applying game elements and design in contexts that are traditionally not associated with games. Predictions suggest that this approach will increasingly penetrate not only the educational sphere but also business and many other areas of human activity.

Program Objective: The master's program "Gamification in Business, Public, and Non-Governmental Sectors" aims to prepare highly qualified professionals capable of successfully developing business initiatives and conducting activities in the public and non-governmental sectors through gamification in a rapidly changing technological environment. The program emphasizes the synthesis between gaming techniques and contemporary technologies, combining modern technologies, new media, and the internet to facilitate communication of valuable propositions from companies or organizations to their staff, customers, and the broader public.

Curriculum: The curriculum, effective from the 2021/2022 academic year (also applicable for 2024/2025), covers all key aspects of gamification - from strategy and development to implementation and engagement, with special attention to the youth audience. Additionally, the program emphasizes the importance of applying what has been learned through modern technologies in the digital world.

Program Goals: The program aims to understand the need for serious theoretical preparation in the field and provide learners with a foundation for continuous self-improvement in practice. It is designed for managers and diverse specialists seeking professional development in the digital age. The program is ideal for educators with a bachelor's degree who want to integrate gamification methods in education; specialists working with youth groups, including psychologists, economists, and managers; as well as HR specialists. It is suitable for employees of state cultural institutions and municipal administrations, managers of cultural and art centers, and activists in non-governmental organizations. Developers involved in creating game models and concepts in companies will also find this program extremely useful.

Graduates' Qualifications and Career Prospects: Graduates of the program receive the qualification "master's in management - Gamification." The master's program "Gamification in Business, Public, and Non-Governmental Sectors" allows for profiling and specialization of learners, enhancing the knowledge and skills necessary for the successful performance of specific job roles or functions. The program prepares students for careers not only in the business sector but also in the non-profit sector if they so choose, specializing in various methods used in the virtual space for communication and management of managerial and marketing strategies. Graduates can pursue careers as leaders of various organizations, managers, gamification specialists, strategic management, human resource management, operational management, etc. They can hold managerial and administrative positions in business organizations, cultural institutions, youth centers, state administration, non-governmental organizations; work as consultants; continue their education and research in a doctoral program; be lecturers at various levels of higher education; and work in research and development units.

Duration and Structure: The duration of the study is 1 year (two semesters), covering basic mandatory and specialized training, including a set of mandatory and elective courses building the professional specialization of a master's in management with a focus on gamification.

For students without a bachelor's or master's degree in professional Field 3.7. Administration and Management or 3.8. Economics, the study includes two fundamental management courses in elective form to assist in mastering the specialized subject matter. There is an option to study additional courses in an elective form, with the workload and credits not counted towards fulfilling the curriculum requirements.

Full Admission Requirements: See general conditions

Final Examination: The program concludes with a state exam. Examination sessions are held in July and September.

Tuition: The program is offered only in a paid form.

Demonstration Videos in Bulgarian: "What is Gamification?":