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Among the most prominent names in the Faculty are: Prof. S. Petkov, Prof. N. Arnaudov, Academicians N. Stoyanov and D. Iordanov, founders of the Department of Botany; Prof. G. Paskalev and Prof. G. Kozarev, founders of the of Zoology of Invertebrates and Vertebrates; Prof. A. Valkanov, founder the of Hydrobiology and Ichthyology; Prof. L. Kaltchev, the first Chair of the Animal and Human Physiology and Biochemistry; Prof. T. Nikolov, the first Chair of the Department of Biochemistry; Prof. G. Goushterov, founder of the Deartment of Microbiology; Prof. S. Stefanov from the from the of Cell Biology, Histology and Embryology, etc.