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Prof. Kamen Spassov, PhD






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Dr. Spassov is an ICT and management professional with international experience. He has a unique blend of business and technical background with key strengths as an analytical and strategic thinker who is a creative, result-oriented leader.

Dr. Kamen Spassov is a Professor at the Faculty of Economics Business Administrations of Sofia University. He is Director of master’s degree Program "Management Information Systems". Dr. Spassov is Head of the e-Governance Laboratory at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. His research interests are in the areas of Management Information Systems (MIS), e-Governance, Open Data and Open Government, Information and Network Security, Customer (Citizens) Relationship Management (CRM), Digital Transformation.

Kamen Spassov has extensive managerial experience. He used to work in Bulgaria and USA for international and multinational companies. He was involved in IT and Web consulting and research projects at local and international level. Dr. Spassov has practical experience in implementation of e-Governance and CRM projects. He has hands-on entrepreneurial engagements.

He is Deputy Chairman of Bulgarian Union of Automatics and Informatics and member of IFIP Workgroup 8.5. He is member of the EMEA Advisory Council of Microsoft Business Applications Academic Community.

Dr. Spassov graduated with International Master of Business Administration from the University of South Carolina, Moore School of Business, USA in cooperation with Wirtschaftsuniversität, Wien, Austria. Mr. Spassov also holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy - Sofia.

Dr. Spassov was supervisor of more than 130 master’s degree students in development of their master’s degree Theses. He has more than 70 scientific publications. Dr. Spassov has an international exposure delivering training and presentations in Albania, Romania, Czech Republic, Ireland, Korea, Japan, Australia, Brazil, Russia, Kazakhstan, etc.