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Manuscripts for v. 29 of the Annual for 2022 should be submitted until 31 March 2022

Annual of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" - Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication


The Annual is the oldest periodical issue of Sofia University. Its first volume comes out in 1905. The more than one hundred years of existence prove that it is an established, necessary and important institution in the research life of the University. For the teaching staff the Annual is a prestigious medium enabling them to share their endeavors and achievements with the science community. That is why each Sofia University faculty makes sure that their Annual is published on a regular basis. The Faculty of Journalism has been publishing a Annual since 1982. 26 volumes have come out so far with the 27-th on the way. The FJMC Annual is available on-line at the Central and Eastern European Online Library and at Annual of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”


The FJMC Annual publishes research - theoretical, empirical and theoretical-empirical, fundamental or applied; particular or comprehensive; viewpoints; conceptual research, based on hypothetical premises and overarching discussions as well as comparative research; surveys, providing a thorough overview or a historical analysis of a concept or phenomenon. The published work covers the fields of communication studies, journalism, media and their professional aspects – editorial, organizational and technological; characteristic features of the national models and realities of the functioning of the Bulgarian and foreign media; the different sign systems (verbal, visual, audiovisual) also in diverse formats and genres; graphic design; creative and cultural industries; digital and on-line communication platforms; creating and broadcasting content for printed, radio and television and on-line media, information and PR agencies and related platforms; public relations; integrated mass communications; media management, communication technologies, organization and management of communication crises.

The publications, the result of teaching and research staff studies, can contain fundamental research on topics, related to the theory, history and transformation of communications, journalism and the media; the theory, history and strategies of public communication; the theory, history and the development of book-publishing and editorial-publishing activities; the theory and study of content and communication management or comparative theoretical research in the sphere of media and communications; also applied-research and practical articles in the area of media and journalism, press-journalism, agency journalism, photojournalism, radio-journalism, TV journalism, on-line media, public relations, advertising, integrated mass communications; book-publishing, editorial-publishing activities and practices, traditional and digital publishing; communication management and information-communication technologies.

To be accepted, the manuscripts should comply with the Requirements for accepting and standardizing manuscripts for the Annual of the FJMC. The articles and studies are reviewed in compliance with the assessment standards for submitted manuscripts through the double-blind peer review system, described in the Review Procedure .

The authors and the editorial board must observe the code of ethics, the legal provisions and the statutes of “St. Kliment Ohridski” SU, as well as the Publication ethics and publication malpractice. The editorial council complies with the internationally recognized ethical principles and publication policies of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).The volumes of the FJMC Annual are well-appreciated and sought after by the professional community and the students because of the advent of new programmes at the faculty. Other universities and departments, teaching mass media and public relations to students, are also interested in the publication.

Through the University Library the FJMC Annual is distributed to over a hundred universities around the world. The FJMC Annual has been included in the National Reference List of Contemporary Bulgarian Scientific Editions with Scientific Review of NACID . It has been recognized as indexed in two world-known data-bases:
ANNUAL OF ‘St. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI’ SU, Faculty of journalism and mass communications ISSN 1311-4883

Editorial Board of the Annual

Prof. Veselina Valkanova, PhD (Chair)

Prof. Andreana Eftimova, Dr.Sc.
Prof. Theodora Petrova, PhD
Prof. Nikolai Mikhailov, PhD
Assoc. Prof. Efrem Efremov, PhD

Editor of the FJMC publications
Grisha Atanasov
