Home / Admission / International Students / Tuition fees in Sofia University for the academic 2024 / 2025 year


NB! In case the student decides to withdraw their documents after enrollment 80% of the fee could be returned back to the candidate only if the request is provided before the 1st of October. A letter to the Rector is needed with contacts of the candidate/representative.


Foreign students pay tuition fees which, for the state high academic institutions, are determined annually by the Council of Ministers in euro (the equivalent in levs according to exchange rate 1,95583).

In accordance with Ordinance of the Council of Ministers and Rector’s order № РД 19-326 /03.07.2024 г., the annual tuition fees for foreign students for the academic 2024/2025 year are as follows:


Tuition fees of newly admitted foreign undergraduate and graduate students,

Ph.D. students and specialization students (non EU/EEA citizens enrolled in 2024/2025)


Specialized preparatory language course (full-time) tuition - € 3500


Tuition fees for foreign students from non EU member countries in euro for academic year 2024/2025:


The education is in Bulgarian after a successfully completed course at the Department for Language Teaching. The tuition fees per year for foreign students, PhD students and post-graduate students (trainees) from non-EU member countries are as it follows according to article 95, paragraph 8 of Higher Education Law.

The education is in foreign language .



People with dual citizenship, one being Bulgarian, pay half the tuition fee set for foreign students (only if the sum is less than the paid program for Bulgarians) and are admitted following the regulations applicable to foreign citizens.

Students pay the annual tuition fee in two equal halves at the beginning of each semester.

The semester fees can be paid:

In a bank at any bank branch (with the exception of BNB) on the bank account of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”:

BNB – Central Branch
IBAN: BG52 BNBG9661 3100 1743 01
Payable to: SU “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Depositor: the full names of the student, faculty, subject, student faculty number