If you would like to enroll at Sofia University 'St. Kliment Ohridski', how to enroll depends on your specific case. Application for studying at Sofia University in a Bachelor's or Master's degree levels is possible in the following cases:
1. In implementation of intergovernmental agreements for educational, scientific and cultural exchange - the selected applicants are introduced by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science.
2. In accordance with Decrees of the Council of Ministers (Regulation No 103 / 1993 and Regulation No 228 / 1997) - the selected applicants are introduced by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science.
3. According to the rules for Bulgarian applicants - for all citizens of the EU member countries, individuals with permanent residence in Bulgaria, refugees, and foreign citizens of Bulgarian nationality the application procedures, terms and conditions for Bulgarians are valid.
4. Except the above mentioned categories, all other foreign applicants apply to study under Art. 95, Para 8 of the Higher Education Act, according to which they have to pay annual tuition fees for international students.