развитието на нови възможности за бизнес в България и потенциалната роля на един
За да се запознаете с опита на успели предприемачи в България и с организации и специалисти, които подпомагат развитието, маркетинга, финансирането и цялостната реализация на нови бизнес идеи Ви каним на поредица от лекции в зала 420 на Стопанския факултет, бул. Цариградско шосе 125, бл. 3.
На 20-ти март 2012 год. гост-лектор ще бъде проф. Карла Грифи-Браун, преподавателка по Информационни системи и управление на технологиите във Висшето училище по бизнес и управление към университета в Пепърдийн, САЩ (Pepperdine University's Graziadio School of Business and Management), която ще изнесе лекция на тема: "Commercialization of Technological Products. Intellectual Property Right Protection & Start-Up Companies" (лекцията ще бъде изнесена на английски език).
Семинарът ще се проведе в зала № 420, в сградата на Стопанския факултет, бул.“Цариградско шосе“ № 125, блок 3, от 14.00 до 16.00 ч.
Допълнителна информация:
Charla Griffy-Brown, Ph.D.
Professor of Information Systems and Technology Management and Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence
Phone: (310) 568-2380
E-mail: charla.brown@pepperdine.edu
- Ph.D., Griffith University
- B.A., Harvard University
Charla Griffy-Brown, Ph. D., associate professor of information systems at Pepperdine University's Graziadio School of Business and Management, is one of the Graziadio School's most active and prolific researchers.
Dr. Griffy-Brown serves as the director of the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence. The Center aims to advance the School's understanding of marketplace dynamics affecting working professionals given current and future economic challenges, while also enhancing teaching effectiveness in delivering business education that has relevant and practical value and affirms a higher purpose for business practice.
She also serves as editor-in-chief of Technology in Society, an international journal dedicated to the economic, political and cultural dynamics of our technological business world, published by Elsevier Ltd. The journal focuses on the social forces that shape technological decisions and the choices that are open to society with respect to the uses of technology. Dr. Griffy-Brown has been a contributor to the journal since 2007.
Dr. Griffy-Brown is a member of the Center for Applied Research, undertaking the mission to promote relevant research that makes an impact on the business community, as well as foster engagement between industry leaders and Graziadio Faculty for research opportunities.
She currently serves as part of an international research team examining technology and business development issues. In 2004, she received a research award from the International Association for the Management of Technology in which she was recognized as one of the most active and prolific researchers in the technology management and innovation field. A former researcher at the Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development, Tokyo, Dr. Griffy-Brown has also served as associate professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Dr. Griffy-Brown's research is currently funded by an SAP University Alliance Grant, and she also has funding from the Pepperdine Voyager/Lilly Foundation, and the Rothschild Research Endowment as well as the Graziadio School of Business Funds for Excellence.
She has worked for NASA at the Kennedy Space Center and has taught innovation/technology management courses in Australia, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Japan. Dr. Griffy-Brown has also served as a consultant for the United Nation's Global Environmental Facility and the European Commission. Dr. Griffy-Brown's publications include more than 40 articles as well as books in the areas of technology management, information systems, and techno-economic development. She has also conducted information systems research at large enterprises such as American Honda Motor Corporation, as well as in more than 100 small- and medium-sized enterprises in Japan, the U.S., and China.
Dr. Griffy-Brown is a Harvard University graduate, a former Fulbright Scholar and holds a Ph.D. in Technology Management from Griffith University in Queensland, Australia.